Last seen: Jan 19, 2025
Creeper, you should make your own topic on this forum and start posting everything related to your youtube channel right there. I can't say you a...
I still don't see why people dislike 1.7. It is almost the same as 1.6 with some new biomes, flowers and some new blocks...You might not like the...
Why do you ask that question? As you might know all the enchantments with 'Protection' in it are packed into 'Protection'. That me...
I see, forgot him, yeah:) And parts of that quarts structure are worldedited... But it was originally built right there...
They got the quartz from here. But when i try to log block it, it says "This world isn't currently logged."I think it was world edited....
Ron, 1.8 is not in snapshot stage yet. Jeb confirmed the locks on twitter. And I am sure lockette and other plugins to lock chests are still going to ...
Don't worry crafters, you did so much for the server, it doesn't matter if you can't do something for once. And I am sure sly and Kooli...
This sounds cool, but actually it doesn't make sense at all...
I believe it was a misunderstanding. I used the enchant command but used coding to implement it on other itemsand into survival.I thought I would be q...
RonCraft, argument invalid...You craft glass panes with 6 glass blocks indeed, but you get 16 glass panes in return...
I can't do more then agree with Sly. Not only the arguements stated above are important, the most important thing maybe is that we are playing on...
Punctuation is a word in my dictionary, man, and this text almost hasn't got any. And it is "your day" instead of "you're day...
Hmmm, why not make me a christmasskin? May the best one of you all win, and I will use that skin... 😀
Oh, well, I am not the kind of person to say that. Certainly not now with my absence.
RonCraft, I did look at your post. But I have nothing useful to say about the post or about you. If I had I would probably say what I had to say 😀
Shoulda posted this tomorrow (Thanksgiving)+1
Support doesn't need much forum posts... He doesn't have to answer all the crap on this forum. And forum ranks don't have support. I ho...
Sly, stop discriminating :O Young people should have a chance too...