Last seen: Jan 19, 2025
That looks much more natural, if you know what I mean. Just the right color 🙂
There is a chance you get a higher rank in future. You can't do anything to impress really. It is all about being yourself and helping people. Ke...
It looks amazing, the only thing is that the colors of the character are a bit bright.
Johnny, why do you go down two lines in the middle of a sentense?And Lily, you just were special 😀
Did this happen after using /invsee while in creative?I suggest you try to do /invsee in survival, that might solve the problem.
And now for a previous version of minecraft used by tekkit?
microblocks 🙂
to be honest if you really care what people think of you online on a MINECRAFT SERVER you need to get your shit together ITS A GAME CALM YOUR TITSWhy ...
You clearly have no idea what it takes to become helper.
Ok, here is my answer.I want to say I do know it is hard to do almost anything when you have a bad day. One of those things is playing minecraft with ...
People on the server don't know about your day. You just have to stay calm and you should never insult someone. We don't care about how you ...
Funny, I joined 2 years and 3 months. That doesn't take away your archievement tho... Congratz Hadi.
I was wondering how lazy you are.Found it within 30 seconds. Take a little time to read the instructions on how to install to make sure everything is ...
Although you might have been support, you should really put more effort in this application. The fact that you were support, should bring that knowled...
This is what I meant with the list 😀 Great stuff... But I guess I wait some time before 'claiming' a project. I am going to do some snow fu...
You busted me... I learn from the bad...
I used the seus lite pack or something. It is not as awesome as many others, but it does the job...
I recommend a good video card with up to date drivers.
You don't solve problems by asking me to kick someone because he killed you once... And the difference between tempban and kicking is basic knowl...