Last seen: Jan 19, 2025
Koolio, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything you've done for the server. Especially in the days I was active.I've had a lot...
Some Dutch pop, Dutch hip hop, and nowadays I tend to listen to some rock. Mainly acdc, ledd Zeppelin and pink Floyd
I tend to prefer the slower crafting table, because the text is flying by already. The last one is to busy for me, the slower crafting table makes the...
Hihi, I was wondering whether it was a joke or not, but I was confused anyhow... 😀
I still wonder why it is the April Updates 2014. But I guess the server is a year behind 😀
I hate teaI love tea, and I'm not even British!
OK, I learned several things while reading this discussion. The people having creative are probably some of the players who play for the longest time ...
You can always set up some kind of area with playershops if you don't have an adminshop.
But I still wonder about the economy, is that gonna be reset too?
I thought about it some time, and I think I do remember you, but not sure how and what and stuffs.
Hmmm, those good old times...
I suggested a new map for the 1.8 update, but Koolio only seems interested in a new map when there is some map generation update. As stated above, a n...
So nobody shot've gotten these items in the first placeI'm not referring to one single person here, nobody should have done it ever. And I d...
Nobody should get any items from helpers, staff or support. Otherwise the ranks would have been called different. All these ranks are there to keep th...
There you go 😀
Did you try restarting minecraft? And you can join now ayways probably...Not sure what it is, but I think something with the mineraft client or someth...
It used to be a capture the flag map indeed.
Great, hope to see you both ingame 😀
I don't think this is old: 12-01-2015