Last seen: May 23, 2014
And Java portable is?
The thing that won't work is Kraftzone. It says I can join and everything but when I try is says connecting to server for like 10 minutes and the...
Ok...I have one question to ask. Who is this? And im not joking.
Ok thank you for your answer (seriously how do you spell that). I do agree with you on some points (not going to specify). I do not agree with me not ...
I have one thing to say Extaccy. I did not start it. I siad one thing in the chat. The reply "Shut up ujklujkl". And I am suppost to ignore ...
I'm done.
Shut up.Faggot.
Shut up.You faggot.
Im just making this for no reason...don't mind me. 😀 XD
Like I said...not going to argue...don't want a bigger ban.
Hadi...Idk im 11.I really don't.So just...yeah ok? didnt see it after you cam there again.You werent there only one time.Unless you had your sound off you would have heard it.The first time yo...