Last seen: Jan 8, 2014
Thing is, there is very little supports on KZ and they can't be on all the time.Also, this looks like a great chance for any griefers that dedica...
They did say that the new launcher is still in beta stage
Out of curiousity, why is he banned?
Don't always assume Shawno when it comes to idiots, even though Shawno can get annoying (No offense)But you will have idiots from time to time
First of all, I have seen my house, which looks very lovely btw jp.That house shall be my tombstone, and I will occasionally rise from the dead to vis...
I'm just going to say this... begging won't help you
Would that include you?
AHHHH MY EYES. DILLY STOP BURNING THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Btw if you forgot our names, and you said you still love us even though you forgot our names......
I've been.... studying ._.
-LOLing at dilly2k only replying "Lol"-
The Main reason McMMO was removed is because it was apparently flooding the server log, but then again, that was like.... over 3 month ago while you w...
Lol cyber :u
What do you do in real life Koolio? 😮
Oh sure, I go outside in my yard and.... you know...I sink into my dirt hole
The character we're playing as is an account. I am not LunarBrick in real life, but I roleplay as LunarBrick
No, "If you're a cracked account" still works.