Last seen: Feb 3, 2021
Ok thank you for you for telling me this.
Hope you enjoy
Here br>See you again
I won't be on in the summer "bummer"
Sebbacus Just leave him alone he is new to staffing on this server so cut him some slack
Oh sorry then.
It's says at spawn talk English in spawn and other languages in /msg /m /pm
Did you do it in main chat?
tell me
Chris you know how you have your CreeperZx3 live photo how do I set one as mine?
This is why we need the Fac server back open people keep posting about greifing so I think we need it back and sorry for p...
I like it and Good Job Creeper!
Ight get on server
Griffen goes to forsyth he is in highschool xDDDDDDDDD
Dude its because im not on that much anymore everone misses me so they left to try to find me xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Kom...
I like it
Griffen if it does not work anymore i will give you it again all i need is your flashdrive and then i can put it on there cant wait to have you back o...
Omfg and yeah koolio does not like people haveing op stuff so I really doubt he would give it to him........