Last seen: Feb 17, 2014
dammit Mojang, you and your derpy land generation
"lie" as in "1.5 BUKKIT SERVER"turns out to be bukkit 1.4.7ORVanilla 1.5
quick search on bukkit shows no 1.5 build, only true 1.5 bukkit servers online now are either lying, or have connections to bukkit and have a highly e...
Dilly...this was a post from last year in November, don't reply to old topics,
Would it be more like a survival/pvp server, or a minigame server?
My apologies Red, should've made it clearer
I like ms paint :XI made some actual pen and paper sketches, but I'm too lazy to scan them
I'd be lying if I said you haven't improved in terms of behavior, but I still can't help but ignore those times you tend...
welp, guess I'm making singleplayer builds and playing tf2 whilst the server is down
why not just turn off chat...OR how about you ignore it?
Please INCLUDE your total playtime (/totalplaytime)current ranknumber of votes (/total)But you're fairly new on the server and you yourself didn&...
lulz Arrow, I think that's Koolio on the left, Sphax just gives him a different default skin
I hate the default skin on Sphax, they should've kept it steve
Based on past experiences I have to say you're a long shot...to say the least
I'd also like to add this monstrosity next to my town
Still mainly waiting on WHY you were banned, and I saw Arrow's post, don't feel like its my place to respond to it
Let me help you out----------------------Reason for ban:Why you should be unbanned:Will you be a good boy if you get unbanned?: