Last seen: Jul 22, 2014
And plus I know he doesn't need staffs right now but I just made this app to get ahead of time and so then koolio can read some of the apps and d...
Hadi I'm here in like 12 at night when only koolio is online..And you know koolio, he is always afk. So when he is afk, I can answer questions Or...
Well I can give my opinion if i want.. That's how commenting works
Oh and koolio it will be good because sometimes I'm on the server and there are no adminsSo I could be there 😀
I don't think good builds will help the server a lot. And you have to build 15 amazing towers. If you need helpOn how to get this rank ask someon...
Fred I don't think you deserve staff or support.. It'sKoolios choice but your not worthy first you tried greifing My house PLENTY of times, ...
?? This is a application that's looks like it was made in a minute.. -_-You didn't say anything interesting but idk :/Brandon dont just put ...