Last seen: Jul 27, 2020
your not yet the quake master koolio is 😛
Never thout of that before :I
That's not the main rules of this server the main rule isDon't be annoying that's the only rule
to me at first it look's like a church
Your getting a bit out of hand Ronit's just a game no need to get personal it's just a z history
I know what will happen in 1.7 era i think. . .the Pvp era and the dupe era will make a big come back i think. . .who know how long this server ...
Always listen to staffs and older players of kz. . .
there still one room... and conner is fighting no one lolunless he advances to the next level
what about dat sword 😀
wait so Paul Walker died in my country?
how did you get a name tag on him did you got help?(you ask someone to trade with him then you put the name tag on him?)and is this rely neccecary?
give us compliet question's like what kind of mc launcher are you using the kz one or the crack/prim one?and what verseon
Well atlist your getting close to getting member+
lol good mems but it always ends up using populere staffs/supports/vip
guys you can't apply for helperi think?
guys's you can't apply for helperwell i think
Newbie instant ban