Last seen: Jul 13, 2020
r.i.p. minecaft. see you on steam rest of yall
Joined it 😀
I don't understand why you muted Sebbacus and not Benza, because after benza said something you warned him, and not sebba then sebba said somethi...
u dont.
350kb version (343 to be exact)
When I ask for one back he says here and spawns one to blow me upSince when do creepers blow up in KZ? also o-o why not ask for all of em' back i...
? lolwut
You should just bookmark this instead of bumping is...
Added one more version maybe final
Added another version 🙂 also added labels to avoid confusion.
I agree too It looks cleaner but idk ;/ it just looks weird like koolio said its missing something without those stuff.
so.... ?
lol. you guys gotta stop trying and start helpin, or else ur never gonna get staff/helper
added another version
Yeah I thought that too I was thinking about putting like a light just flashing through it like behind the text
added 2 versions
ehhh got to make it repeat.... lol lemme fix dat