Last seen: Oct 21, 2014
Some1s mad
DAYUM boys that's some long shit
AND PEACE COPY AND BLUE you 2 were amazing
Why persecute some1 for their beliefs? He takes the holocaust srsly. Hes german and perhaps he has some very bad memories of it and that's why he...
Dilly in thos post you say hes great on another you rant about him?? wtf
kOOLIO please take a look at mah staff app
Heh what whPPEND TO COPY?????????????????????????///
Koolios you funny guy
is the piece of shit john?
It does seem like dilly commenting shit ;D
Btw for your info josh was on the server before you john
His nick is awesome ;D
Dilly why do you care of what he is to write. All you think about is ranks dammit.
whose staff app is this??
But you help as much as you can you deserve it ;D
Well ok, but i have barely made that many staff apps compared to some of the others.
Not bad its actuallly really nice