Last seen: Nov 14, 2012
This is really short make it longer but otherwise, it's ok
Ignios right. This is a staff apply written in a minute :(. Brandon. You lied tot the staff and admins. Why? After that you probably.... Won't ge...
Yes true lol I just wanted to kill a bunch of Adkins 😀
No, koko kills for diamond blocks just to betray you and scam you.
Im not begging. They said my apply was short. I made it bigger and it says my total play time. About 110 hours idk I haven't checked for a day. Y...
Sorry if I misspelt anything I wrote this on my iphone
Ok, even though this is the longest staff app, I'll add more. If you dont like me as staff, you can derank me to member+ or member. I'll imp...
Blue I know but is it ok to add anything from my old app? Thanks for the comment
Sorry if I misspelt anything. My iPhone is so annoying. Also my hands are too big to write on it
Ok thanks but what are your ideas for member plus? So please tell me when I'm on or comment cause I'll check this post again. But thanks. Al...
I lost member but I knew youbwere gonna fix it so I wrote a member+ apply please read and comment about it now shawno and thanks 😀
And also LOL
Thank you Koolio but what about my apply? Like? And please ban shawno from the forums he's getting annoying
That's a short apply you need to add more things and make it longer
Also, I don't think Koolio likes me cause I got disopointed when I didn't get staff. I'm just wondering, do you?