Last seen: Nov 14, 2012
D: next time Koolio goes on, I won't be on 😀 fine not god armor but maybe like as pvp day with kit starter
Wow. This is worst than the guy who wrote his apply in 10 words on Austin's apply. Nice job I CAN BASH AGAIN BECAUSE IM NOT GONNA GET STAFF 😀 :)...
Lol is no ones getting staff. And I do cause they pvp log! So annoying
That made no sense and I only ran for a pvp battle when my armor broke and i wen to to get it fixed so I didnt lose my god sword. And when it was 100 ...
Lol I REALLY wanted to kill HADI and central. And most of all, Koolio. Lol 😛
YOUR BACK 😀 😀 😀 😀 😮 ::) :-X :-[ :-* :-* :'( 😮 🙂 ;)I just hit almost every pic 😀
I know I said i would stop
Idc Koolio said no more staff 😮 so, whoever you are, idc
Thanks blue 😀 central said I'd raja doesn't pay me the money it cost to repair it he gets BANNED 40 k more to go. Or else raja. PAY ME THR ...
Lol I write the ip for something only for y computer but how the hell do you post SCREENS MUST GET RAJA BANNED! NO ONE GREIFS AND LIVES TO TELL SBOUT ...
Fail thats only for my computer uhm please Koolio help me post them then I can have proof
How do you post screens? I have ATLEAST 20
I wasn't really angry it's 1:00 D: or 11:30 but close enough 😀
Lol there's another what admin is the coolest I just added it to put HADI as everything lol
Oh I didn't know if that was bad I just wanted to see what admin is the best. Sorry if that was bad :'([move]ANSWER:HADI[/move]
Oops it 12:00 so I'm gonna g2g in a sec
Pup IFC I'm not getting staff. And there all complaining EVEN AFTER I TELL THEM AND I WAS JKING! ._.