Last seen: Mar 9, 2017
you got your wish! HE IS NOW STAFF YEA!!!!!!1
to the last post boo, but the first post MOTHER OF GOD
Added what is available section.
mother of god
-1 for locking old posts
nah we know he's just 3 years old 😀
this is how bob got banned for life
you dont need to make an app
www.youtube.com/user/bluedudex2 join the small but soon to be big dude nation 😀
ok just wanted to know because some may act like some rule dont apply since they have this or that, or maybe the page after you donate is a reminder a...
blue im drunk, go bed 😀 (im just sick,so im derpy)
josh... sonic.. nope doesnt ring any bells, you must be new or dont play often so in any case, welcome to the server i hope you stay for a long time a...
erm.. who are you again?
i think pvp fly isnt allowed :/
Wow been awhile but like i said im going to update this topic from time to timeUpdates: Changed recommended play time (needs citation from koolio)Adde...
also for anyone /ban and /banip is support only 😉
wow pepsi