Last seen: Nov 12, 2013
Thank you Thecyberhedgehog
everybody (by that i mean no one) knows im vary anal about my skins being taken >:O jk but if it's an exact copy....hahaha, thats funny
i never stole it i just took one because i odnt have my own computerIts supposed to be funny under.
that is weak you should be saying more than that
that means nothing
One thing, punctuation is really important when you make a longer text than one sentence :PYou are so right lol.P.S. undermoon187 can be very immature...
I know the basic commands as i have run a server b4 and and i have been staff on servers as well
if you could tell me what plugin i would need to know I could let you know what i know.
By "I know all the cmds..." I mean i know all the cmds i would need to know to be staff or support
True I never accept unless im in my town with PVP off
okay thank you.
That will be my average playtime
Thats fair. I really just applied to have it down for the future. 😀