Last seen: Jun 24, 2013
A tattling little girl... I don't consider that constructive criticism on my moderator rank idea. So please, stop posting. You're only makin...
I'm not taking any shots here brick/wikk, please don't post here unless it's constructive. Thanks,Acerbus.
I shall repost what I did on the other topic based on this disagreement.If anyone was in the right in this argument on the server, it was Happy, as he...
This is false, if anyone was in the right in this argument on the server, it was Happy, as he was trying to end it, while Wikk and Brick were only try...
My favorite holiday, is every day of your life AFTER GRADUATING SCHOOL. Cause then you can do W/e the hell you want.
I think Arrowhead would make a great staff aswell.
While pvplogging is annoying and cowardly, I think it should be allowed because of the following reasons.There are many different types of players in ...
Alright, I'm a patient man. That's why I didn't make a application until prompted by your statement yesterday, as I have only been regi...
I personally vote against Happy's becoming staff, but I'm all for him getting Member+. I haven't seen him be mean, but I feel that if h...
Not that my vote matters, but I like this.
I was part of this same conversation/argument thing, and yeah, he's started to get really annoying. I tried being nice to him, but all I got in r...