A chronological history of the Era's of Kraftzone.
The Salil Era: A peaceful time, where players built and enjoyed prosperity. There were few PvP'ers around, and Xraying was not a common practice. A man by he name of Salil was the host of Kraftzone at this time, but later the server moved to paid hosting.
The PvP Era: Quite the opposite of the Salil Era, this time was ruled by excessive fighting. Xraying was found to be allowed and, as result, heavily exploited. Being in the wilderness was cause for probable death. Nowhere was safe. This Era also brought with it the debate of PvP logging. Kraftzone was split between those who wanted to allow logging, and those who wanted it banned.
The Pre-Dupe Era: A short period of time, half-mixed with the late PvP Era, in which the first exploits were... exploited. Things like Parkour, WarHub, and Mob Arena were abused. Unlimited durability swords were traded amongst players, and godly prize items stolen from the Parkour. The first major dupe operation was preformed via WarHub, putting millions of extra money into circulation. This Era created a small, rich, elite and set Kraftzone up for disaster. The average money a player had went from 100k, to around 500k, with few having over 1 million. The PvP Era had ended by the time the Pre-Dupe Era ended.
The Dupe Era: This Era was started by player Terrik, who severely exploited a duping glitch with ChestShop. He then taught 2 other players how to dupe. One of them told their friends, who then told even more friends, and so on. Soon, the Kraftzone economy was dead. Inflation rose beyond measure, and money became worthless. This activity went on unnoticed for a remarkable time, considering the substantiality of it all. After about a month, Staff caught on, due to the high amount of fly discs circulating the black market. After further investigation, the sham was known to staff, but was kept a secret from the public. The dupe Era was ended when player slyguy47 (a main instigator of the Pre-Dupe and Dupe Era's) helped reveal almost every stash of duped items. Within 48 hours, mostly all evidence of the Dupe Era was gone. The plugin was patched, but the economy would never recover.
The Post-Dupe Era: After a harsh take-down, the server went into a "lockdown". A money limit was set at 5 million (a limit that even today, still stands), and everyone was more restricted and closely watched. Terrik was banned, and never to be seen again. After a while things returned to normal, somewhat. The scar that the Dupe Era had left was big, and would take a while to fade away.
The Donor Era: This Era was marked by the very high number of donations. Kraftzone returned to general peace, but problems still arose. With the large amount of Donors, some of which had unrestricted creative, godly items floated around the black market. There was a constant struggle to keep the dubbed "illegal" items from normal players. Although this Era has long since ended, Kraftzone still gets a steady flow of new donors.
The Reconstruction Era: The dark times of Kraftzone were over, and it was time to rebuild. Limits were introduced to keep donators at bay, and creative was banned from the survival world. With the release of 1.5, and a general desire for a fresh map, a new survival world was made. The old world was turned into a Free Build playground for donors who wanted to build with creative. A world border was added to both worlds to keep players from exploring too far. Another new world was also created to completely redo spawn. Massive floating islands housed a new Titan Castle, Admin Shop, Mob Arena, and plenty of easter eggs. Contrary to the positivism and rebuilding of the server, the player count was going down. The average player count dropped from 40 to 20. An issue that may have contributed to this was hosting. About halfway through this Era issues arose with the server host, resulting in a change in host. The problem was though, that Kraftzone couldn't find a quality host. Within the span of two months, the server went through numerous IP changes. The location of Kraftzone hopped back and forth across the Atlantic, and the question of American vs. European hosting developed. Eventually, a reliable host was found in Germany, and Kraftzone settled down.
The Nazi Era: Unfortunately, peace didn't last long. About a month after Kraftzone found it's new host, one player would bring about one of the worst Era's yet. It began when [Support] ranked slyguy47 gave his town a Nazi makeover. Banners with swastikas hung from the walls. "Jewish" Villager NPC's were burned in an underground bunker. While it was only one small town that undertook this makeover, the ripple it created was large. Flame wars discussing the holocaust filled the forums. Many people has strong opinions over the sensitive topic. This created the largest player purge in Kraftzone history. About 70% of the Staffs and Supports either quit or were banned. Donators and regular players also quit. A new rival server was created by ex-Support and long time player bluedudex2. The server was very similar to Kraftzone, copying all the plugins. Most of the players that left Kraftzone were offered high ranking positions on this new server. In three months time the rival server had disbanded and general peace returned to Kraftzone, but nobody would ever forget what had happened.
The Quiet Era: After the Nazi Era had ended, a void for Staff was left behind. New Staff flowed in and out, none really staying for more than 3 months. No major events took place, no tragedy or prosperity occurred. Time went by as players simply enjoyed Minecraft and the newly released 1.6 update. A state of normality descended on Kraftzone. This Era lasted for several months.
The 1.7 Era: This is the Era upcoming. With another Minecraft update on it's way, Kraftzone will again dawn new changes. For the first time on the server, there will be a dual survival world setup; one map being 1.6 terrain, and the other being 1.7 terrain. Only the future will tell what this Era holds for us.
i read tht in morgan freemans voice
The new era is myn and my big ass hole's
you forgot the beginning with the one and only koolio then koolio's offical return
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
I only joined at the very beginning of the Salil Era, so meh. I'm still not sure what happened with Dillon way back when. All I know is he did something bad(?) I think
I joined at the end of the pre-dupe era...
I heard stories about Dillon sly.
From what I remember, koolio didn't want to host the server, so handed it over to Dillon.
Dillon made half the people staff, and chaos raged through. He kept the donator money personally for himself. Koolio came back and brought him down.
That is all Ik.
I think the first few days that the server was online were the best.
No two Rainbows are the same.
Neither are two packs of Skittles.
Enjoy an odd mix.
Sly needs a fix, there was an era before dillon it was the ~Begining. It was a very nice time.
I cant really build anything.
The days before the dillon era were the best, as Fluffy just said. Where Koolio hosted the server by himself and peace was there. The oldest kraftzoneplayers speak about the good old times. The time with players like CottonEyeJoe and Pierpaulo. And CentralBullitz as an active player. Those days were the best and will never return...
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
and when there were only 2 towns 😛 Titan and RedCliffe. We need those days back >:(
No two Rainbows are the same.
Neither are two packs of Skittles.
Enjoy an odd mix.
Well, less towns now...
you can add this
Koolio played on styx but when he got bored and wanted to buy wool in the styx's adminshop so instead, he made a server.
The birth of kraftzone, the best time to be on the server, it was filled with friendlyness and much more. There was only ytsen thomas and miver as support, later on in this era koolio wanted naruto to be part of staff but he wasnt ready for support, koolio made -staff to fix this. This era was also birth to X2ville, Titan, Archspore which would live on in later eras.
The Dark ages
When koolio left the server people didnt know what to do but koolio looked around for a new host and found the dark lord DillonBase, at the time no one knew what he would do. This area was filled with assholes and dicks and dillon did nothing about it, he just watch the world burned. He gave naruto admin rank and hadi staff rank. He made staff as powerful as admin. He made new ranks like server planer, he also made koolio and ytsen co-owners.
New beginnings, never look back
The shortest era, before salil. This era happened that last few hours before dillon shut down the server. In that time hadi gave everyone stacks and stacks of diamonds equaling to 10m dollars (didnt transfer to new era). We build monuments for koolio which at the time we thought never would come back. The end of this era has happy instead of sad, before the server shut down blue, hadi, naruto, and more went to dillion's house in archspore and burned it down to the ground and danced in the ashes, we took pictures of this but so far no pictures have been seen of it.
so add this to have it be correct 😀
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
The end of this era has happy instead of sad, before the server shut down blue, hadi, naruto, and more went to dillion's house in archspore and burned it down to the ground and danced in the ashes, we took pictures of this but so far no pictures have been seen of it.
Don't do this to us blue, don't leave us in the suspense, may we see said pictures
"There was only ytsen thomas and miver as support" Dont forget CottonEyeJoe, the best of all :O
No two Rainbows are the same.
Neither are two packs of Skittles.
Enjoy an odd mix.
sadly the pictures i took went lost when my computer broke that one time T_T
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
lol i like it.. its sort of accurate
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
What were the "dark ages like?"
Dillon and such
I cant really build anything.
The Dark ages
When koolio left the server people didnt know what to do but koolio looked around for a new host and found the dark lord DillonBase, at the time no one knew what he would do. This area was filled with assholes and dicks and dillon did nothing about it, he just watch the world burned. He gave naruto admin rank and hadi staff rank. He made staff as powerful as admin. He made new ranks like server planer, he also made koolio and ytsen co-owners.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story