This is a just so you know post, I'm sure some of you might tell others, but keep what is said here off the pages of Kraftzone until I give a proper news announcement.
[What I am telling you is private, do not share this out as I have to keep this under wraps for a while]
If you have kept up with the hosting problems of earlier this month.
The old hardware that my server was on was retrieved, however I wasn't given any notice that they would be turning the current 'temp' server off to remove the hdd and put it in the old machine so I could get the server files off.
The 'temp' machine is a windows server, and the old machine is a Linux server.. as you can imagine this is some major screwing around considering they only just messed things up earlier in the month. Now they are messing around again, currently this month is meant to be on them .. however the whole conversation went down hill after this idiot thought it was ok to say my old server had 8gb of ram (I paid for 16gb) I got pissed because this prick has no sense of customer care.
Anyway suffice to say this piece shit has ended the service and wiped the hard drive, so he says.. I'm still trying to find out from the guy I actually paid for the server to talk some sense into this mad man.
Supposedly I've been refunded at paypal, but that's bullshit as its almost been 24hrs, I was meant to get ftp details to get my files off the other hdd..
If karma existed this guy would get his door kicked in and sent to the nearest jail cell... and probably barred from the internet as I know he runs ddos attacks, I plan to run his name through ground so no one ever buys hosting from him ever again once this is over.
And this pricks name is Wesley Bremeyer (thinks its fun to use aimbots )
Anyway nothing else to say right now about that matter, I have some older 2-3 day old backups of server files that I am going to be setting up on a new server that I've just gone a paid for earlier today. I'm still waiting on the new hosters to setup the server and then I can get on with setting kz up again.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
It's a shame all the different types of assholes that exist in this world... sorry to hear about the server. It must be stressful to deal with jerks like that.
Off-topic: My cousin is considering buying and setting up a server from home. I'm excited to see if he does. It depends whether he does, but hypothetically, if he goes on the pricier end I could, if you needed, convince him to run KraftZone off of it.
The second paragraph is completely hypothetical, but if you ever need help with anything, I could do my best to try and help 😀