Work in progress thread, just draft for now, but do check the thread, post a reply if you are intending to build anything that might need extra help, currently seeing as most staff/support get on at different times it might be better to put the location/world of the area you are building in if you don't mind other staff/support checking and seeing if they can contribute to build.
Things that will always need doing
- Removing floating trees (staff/support)
- Repair wilderness (support)
- etc
Server building goals
- Players market using regions, where players can rent a shop area to put there chestshops in. Handled by the plugin, for the most part after area and regions are setup. Would be a replacement for the playershop sign board, so all players can goto this new area to sell there own stuff. The area should look like a market place, or shopping mall currently no theme decided on for kraftzone.
+ location: can be built anywhere,
+ Assigned: No one yet
+ Theme: No theme yet
This is one is up for debate if you think it should be done or not, auction house is another option.
- Player Museum
Mostly built, needs moving to final location.
+ location: need moving to the 1.7 amp world.. similar area to its current locaton, taiga trees surrounding it.
+ Assigned: thecrafters
- A pvp arena
We have the plugin, no arena for it yet.
+ location: can be built anywhere,
+ Assigned: No one yet
+ Theme: No theme yet
- New mob arena
+ Assigned: No one yet
+ Location, anywhere can be moved.
- Minigames, parkour, anything
+ Assigned: No one yet
+ Location: preferably in skyspawn or the 1.7 amp world
- Survival Games map
+Assigned: to woombo23
+ Location: building it in the survival games world
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i would love a pvp arena XD
-Vinmeistr: mess with the best die like the rest.! jk i cant, im a staff...
"i would love a pvp arena XD"
well make a start on building it then vin, you've been assigned to it
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alright then i could use someone to help me on it
-Vinmeistr: mess with the best die like the rest.! jk i cant, im a staff...
I'd like to help out on the mob arena project.
I'm thinking something dark; larger than Raze - maybe allowing for more tactical maneuvers instead of bumping heads with a 3 person team.
*ehem*pvp arena..I think we already have one at spawn..
yeh but this is for Kraftzone... I haven't put any KraftWars building projects here, will do that later on the KW forums
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Oh sorry then... my bad ::)
This is what I meant with the list Great stuff... But I guess I wait some time before 'claiming' a project. I am going to do some snow fun on holiday.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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This hasn't been forgotten ... need to pick something to do in the server building goals
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After what I'm doing for the town I'll start by doing the pvp arena I think it would be nice to add some theme and buildings where they can go up and snipe players with a bow or hide and sneak up from behind players!
so the player museum has been sorta done so thats off the list
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