Yes. Hes banned for 10 days. (Vin told me to) 😛
I cant really build anything.
My mistake for not saying, but the MAX ban time staff should give out for bans is only 3 days temp ban.. if it needs to be more than there needs to be more evidence of what abuse took place, only support and myself give out longer bans or make them permanent.
This is so that staff cannot give out really harsh bans, only 3day (at most) temp bans to remove them off the server until higher up are aware of what happened to decide.
And yes if there is a player that is pushing for a tempban do report it here on the staff forum.
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alright sorry didnt know ill do that next time
-Vinmeistr: mess with the best die like the rest.! jk i cant, im a staff...
He is unbanned now, and the house leach gave it to dale onion...
so it was his own house...
In future I expect better investigation
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pepsi told me he griefed it all and it was his 3rd strike. i thought he did all the investigation so that lead me to believe that it was appropriate for a temp ban since it was his 3rd strike. not really my fault i was brought into this with pepsi.... but sure ill investigate more next time
-Vinmeistr: mess with the best die like the rest.! jk i cant, im a staff...
Why did not Pepsi handle this alone?
God made every person different....
He got tired by the time he got to China xD
A town owner (dont remember who it was) said dale griefed. Went to go check it out. The owner told me that leach gave it to him, but the owner didnt care and didnt allow greif in teh town. Either way dale did not own it completly, and only destroyed it for the resources, and ruined the outside of the town with the water he placed. none the less, I see what you mean, dale did own it
I cant really build anything.