Excuse me, but you never gave me any warning, and none of what i said was against you, but towards that general chat taking place. YOU need to be a better staff, and take the percautions to make sure this"nerve getting to" dosent happen. sorry you fail lol, un ban me, or ill probably jsut watch abunch of netflix
You think i never gave you fucking warnings? i gave you guys like 3 fucking warnings with muting and kicking
but no guys had to continue on what ever fucking your doing
p.s i have no permsto unban you
its only for 1 day get over it
Mess with the best, die with the rest
You already know that am short temperd
Mess with the best, die with the rest
lel you guys"" i never said bb or any other little thing that was bothering you, i was just lauhging at them and if anything was saying th eopisite due to the fact i dont like girls, and would perfer dick. So in the future when banning people, ban those annoying you, not everyone just having a good laugh, also, l2 staff
lol short tempered is a understating it, you cant just abn people for calling you bb, and ban everyone when not everyon was saying bb
grow up, isnt there a age requirement for this spot?
i din't join but why did i got muted for 3 minute
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
"then maybe you shouldnt be staff if you are so short tempered that you cant make logical decision making when under pressure"
"You dont deserve to be staff ice"
Ive been working harder everyday, i have handled idiots but thanks to what i did breaking a large chest is considerd grift? then brougt me to this?
Besides you guys might build/help any one
Wile I Remove abandoned Buildings/mychunk/rebuild chunks/build a map/finish a town.
and maybe i shouldent have joined today maybe i should have joined later
Mess with the best, die with the rest
lol, When ice is at the expensive of being called "BB" witch isnt a big deal what so ever. I guess that justified banning players for 1day. Not like a 12m ban, or 2m ban, but a whole day. And to donators. I find this very funny, seeing as the only things i ever said was "i bet your first toy was a bb gun" and how you liked BB back ribs. Sorry sweet heart, but vagina isnt something im very into, so maybe stop acting like there in abunch of thristy boys trying soo hard to get to you, when in reality were just having a good laugh at how over reacted you became over a few harmless comments from them. Also, when it comes to banning you dont just fucking ban players for a day becuase you get soooooo mad. Ive gotten fucking pissed to with people, but atleast i was able to handle that shit well, not just ban half the players and mute them ont he server for a whole day!! 😀 not that i really gave a shit int he first place. #need better staff, ones that arnt still in middle school
Its not even about the bb now!
I already got over the bb
Mess with the best, die with the rest
LOL, I know all about "staff" responsibilitys, mostly becuase alot of the time when i was staff, i handled most shit while you and other were not online, or just doing nothing, dont use that shit excuse.
I know you wear past staff,knowing all the rules and such
and am NOT using it as an excuse
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Ice, if this was your first week being a staff member I'd understand, but its not. You've had plenty of time to tone and shape you staff skill, but you just proven to me that you've learnt nothing about being a good staff member. You're short tempered, and make drastic choices. And also if it was not for the "BB" thing, i fail to completely see why you would ban any of us for 1d. Lol, How old are you exactly, because im starting to think this your behavior has something to do maturity, and how you're able to handle situations without acting like a middle school girl who is upset.
Lol you muted rue for saying "this is fucking funny" ROFL XD learn what to do with your rank!!! you muted someone for saying they found the conversation funny
Am 14
and Ive read and tryed to do the staff basics and the staff task
And why dont you ask kooglio to switch are placed but am being back to Member+
Mess with the best, die with the rest
You guys were both fooling around and winding ice up, I've checked the chat logs to see what all this was about and you both kinda had it coming.
"When ice is at the expensive of being called "BB" witch isnt a big deal what so ever. "
If ice doesn't want referring to that way then just accept it.
And if I was there you wouldn't have been using the amount of bad language you were throwing around in the public chat but you then started picking on her really. I think you should have just accepted ice was not going to play along with the conversation, and accepted the warnings even if it was mute and left it at that. When you have a problem with staff you tell me, don't go making things worse on the server.
You are both unbanned now and I've talked to ice about giving proper warnings and handling this better in the future, I wouldn't go pushing this further because iceAOS is one of the most reliable staff members Kraftzone has had to keep things in check during these hours.
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Ice doesn't have a record of being unreasonable, and that's all ill say on the matter
I am thoroughly horrified at your new hash tag procrasticody, 😛 have I wronged you?
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
"but honestly just grow a pair and lighten up."
Can I add something? If you play around with someones short-temper, you are not really grown up. Think before you do, that helps a lot.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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