This is the story:
In the dark room, I launched my hand to the escape and disconnect button. I had just logged out of a server called Kraftzone. I turned my head away from the computer and peered into the window where the sunlight seemed to creep in. I stood up and pulled open the blinds. The beautiful day was in it's prime. Immediately, I decided I was going to enjoy it. I dressed into something formidable to the recent climate. The weather had recently took a turn from cold to hot.
When I stepped outside my door, I knew something was wrong. I ignored my instinct and pushed on to take a walk. I thought and daydreamed as I walked on that wonderful day. I swept down the fourth block and turned the corner when it happened. Suddenly, I felt the blunt surface of something hammering my left temple. I then slowly faded out of consciousness.
When I came back, I tried to sit up. The soft humming of a car filled the dark room...
(This is not a true story by any means)
For part 2 gimme M+!
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Read The Sad Note Bye Bluedudex2 :I
I'll be back soon.
Highly unlikely story, far to much inconsistency.
you say it was a beautiful day outside, then say the weather turned from cold to hot
" When I stepped outside my door, I knew something was wrong."
Yea! you forgot your shoes, and carried on walking 😛
For part 2, make it a better story, and add more cowbell.
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Official Trailer:
Who says beautiful days are not hot?
I'm sorry I live somewhere where it is rarely not hot.
And I said I dressed into formidable clothing!
That includes shoes.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
This is best story
I cant really build anything.