Would've made this an announcement but no perms *cough*
Anyway this is only a screenshot of the front page as i cant get into the nitty gritty of the webs design making certain changes a bit harder to do as youll see. And that the front page seemed like it needed the most cleaning up. But ill provide a changelog of what i have changed so you can tell me what to make and remove. But feel free to make suggestions guise.
-Removed both the StatusHolder and VoteHolder banners
-Replaced the background "kraftzone.net/forum/Themes/kraftzone_theme/images/2014-06-23_17.43.39_bg.jpg" with just some random starry night banner i found.
-Changed "Kraftzone.net Forum" to simply "Kraftzone"
-Moved userinfo to the top of the side bar, made more sense for it to be at the top.
-Changed "Vote here" to "Weekly Poll" could have chris come up with random polls we can have every week just as something fun to do
-Removed home button
-Changed "media" button to "Gallery"
-Removed search button since we have a search bar already on the left side of the screen
-Rearranged buttons in a specific order
- Changed "Show unread posts since last visit" and "Show new replies to your posts" to just "Recent replies to your threads" users can already see unread posts to the right of the screen in the "recent topics box"
-Removed the timestamp underneath the greeting as the time is already present at the bottom of your computer, it just seemed redundant
-Removed "servers" sidebar
-Changed "teamspeak 3" sidebar to simply "teamspeak"
-Removed "minigame events" sidebar
-Changed "theme select" to simply "themes"
-Removed the navigate_selection "kraftzone.net bar completely, seemed redundant.
I only had two issues. One, that damn grey hue border around the body of the website is annoying and i couldnt seem to remove it. And two, the search bar on the right doesnt want to move, idk if its just chrome but its too far on the right and would make more sense if it was closer left next to the buttons.
Here are the only HTML errors i encountered that i couldnt fix myself. However they could just be on my end.

(index):1 Refused to execute script from ' http://kraftzone.net/forum/Themes/kraftzone_theme/scripts/theme.js?fin20' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.
http://kraftzone.net/forum/index.php?action=portal;sa=shoutbox;shoutbox_id=1;time=1450820221;xml Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED
http://kraftzone.net/forum/index.php?action=portal;sa=shoutbox;shoutbox_id=1;time=1450820641;xml Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED
3countdown.js:45 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null
I cant really build anything.
is some interesting changes, kinda want to decrease the header height aswel
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Heh I was thinking that since I removed the holder banners, could just completely redo the body now that I think about it. Less room at the top, and more room to spiffy up the bottom. Mostly just minor changes I noticed I was doing. Just cleaning things up and removing redundant or repeating things such as buttons or residual links and stuff.
I cant really build anything.
😮 me do random polls lawl. you should remove those minecraft blocks the green grass and TNT for hiding the tabs change it to something else like + and - or idk get a cooler image from a different game
Koolio could we possibly talk about getting perms to work on the website? I've been so friggin bored lately and figured why not do this. I'm familiar with web design as I took the class last year and I actually have several Cisco verifications 8) I of course will be reasonable with the changes as I'm not a complete dumbass. And as you can tell, I don't have malicious intentions by my prestigious social rank I hold here. *raises nose"
Honestly I'm just really bored. If its not this I'm gonna end up on the streets giving blowjobs for crack, so think about my future Koolio, you can make a difference.
I cant really build anything.
first random poll.
pepsi for president:
-why isn't this a thing already.
-gtfo coke is better.
inspiration - "so think about my future Koolio, you can make a difference." that just made me think "pepsi for president" hey atleast pepsi would be better then trump