I have repeated myself about 50 times in the chat in-game so im just going to write it on here instead.
Basically volfka has been complaining about the loss of items. This event occured 2 days ago and he has brought it up today because i had tped 2 people to his house. When narutoitachi152 came online he complained to him that he had lost his items because i had tped people to him.
I didn't tp anyone to him 2 days ago when he had lost his items. I have proof from loads of people that i didn't tp anyone there. Kokosnoot MatryxMayhem, xxelitepenguinxx, Arrowhead, marko_crafter was all there when volfka pvped logged because kokosnoot and volfka were fighting 1vs1 and volfka killed him so kokosnoot tped matryxmayhem to him so he could kill volfka. matryxmayhem tped xxelitepenguinxx to him and xxelitepenguin tped arrowhead and arrowhead tped marko_crafter. They had then told me that he pvp logged and that they needed lava placed for them. I placed lava under where volfka had pvp logged. He then logged in like 30 minutes later and matryxmayhem then killed him. Volfka had died without any help from me, Besides the lava.
Today i had tped 2 people to his house (its sponged in the wilderness) because they wanted revenge because volfka had tp pvped like 3 times. They didnt succeed in killing him when i tped them so noone got hurt.
A few hours later narutoitachi152 had logged on and volfka had complained to him that i had tped all them people to him 2 days ago which had got him killed. Narutoitachi152 had then asked me to make it up to him and give him his items back. I didnt know why i had to give him items back because he got killed fairly 2 days ago and today he didnt lose anything due to me tping people.
I'm Writing this post to write up why i don't think he should get his items back. I hope this has summarised what has happened.
p.s Koolio am i sorry for abusing my powers by tping the 2 people to his house. But 2 days ago he did get killed fairly.
Cool story bro 😀
Oh the life and times of Kraftzone.. could write a book about it... holding that thought for the Titan Library.
Don't worry Madhead41, its forgiven.
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