Hello guys.
Just a few things Id like to talk about. First off advertising is going well I've been resubmitting my thread on the minecraft forums in hopes that new players will come. Still i've been advertising the server a lot and im going to continue in till more people start to join. My first question is what do you think KZ is missing? What are some things you think could improve the server a lot? Any thoughts or suggestions are welcomed.
Now this is directed at staff/helpers. I see mrsirmansheep on a lot helping players doing his job as staff. But id really like to see more helpers on and staff on. I know the server is a little dead atm. but if you all put in some effort into advertising and helping out we can start to generate new players that will stay. So please if you're reading this come on more. Comment on the KZ threads, or start a forum somewhere else! anything that you can do to help the server.
I hate seeing the staff board but only seeing one of those staff members on while the others are just names on a board :/
So thats about it please leave a reply telling us what you want to see, or any ideas really. Thanks aton!
And I'm not saying if you don't get on there will be problems, Im just saying ID like to see you guys more. Im not the boss. I dont want it to seem like im making a command.
I'd like to know aswel, its like i'm not active for a few days and the server becomes like a ghost town.
Yes there still people who come on and then go off, some of them event wanting ranks, but only a few all that active.
kinda disappointing what with it being 3years of kz coming up
kudos to the active players and staff, I said I'll try be more active again.
there is a new 1.8 spigot server that is in beta and I might try it out this month though not while its still buggy, last thing I want is to jump on that and have to rollback again like the last time we tried out the fake1.8
also no problem with you taking charge while i've been away from things, woombo its actually nice to see proactive players at least trying to get keep things rolling around here.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Clap clap i'm on every once and awile but NO ONE IS ON but Sirmrmansheep and I have no probelm with that but I want more people to get on I asked koolio if you wants me to get more people on and he said sure but everyone but two people said that server sucks kcherry fuck off adn half of them havint even tryed getting on or have been on before..... then I got banned
If my friend's would ever like minecraft I will bet them up untill they get on because I love this server and I don't want it to be a ghost town I don't think Koolio or woom want that aswell so if you read this GET ON and if your bored of it who cares get on build something kill something talk to us we love you company!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't we koolio and woom
The thing is about people is that they don't try stuff they look at the server as it's crap because of an unknown reason. Maybe because they think a good server should at least has a ton of players on. I mean people these days don't give a shit about Minecraft. Most of them are most into those FPS games or MOBA games online. Such as League and Counter Strike or AVA.
Most of them leave because they think there is nothing to do on Minecraft. It's not the server it's the game in general. The game has been kinda shitty these past updates. Notch made a good game then made bad decisions and voila.. more then 3 years of game development and the results are kinda bad.
If we really want new players I suggest me and woombo should maybe finish the new spawn or do more minigames and shops. I would generally sacrifice my time to help the server like it has been 2 years ago when Koolio ran the server for the first time.
The server was popular because there wasn't a lot of servers at that time but as technology kept getting better new servers has been created and became one of the best. I suggest that we do like other servers. I'm not saying that we should copy them 100% but like the Staff community and the overall buildings and games we offer.
Johnny I think you have a really good point. I feel like a fresh new spawn, with Giant portal hubs and staff designated to certain hubs would give the server some structure. I feel like maybe we should maybe find an area where we can test some new ideas for a better spawn? I feel like the change might be slow, but when we add that certain structure to the server and designate staff, and start trying to control the traffic a little bit more, it will give the server something its been missing. So johnny, I say we start on making a new server hub brainstorm some ideas, and really make something kooglio and our selfs can agree with. I will await for you lets find an area where we can do some massive builds and really start getting things organized and on track. Ill post some screenshot into this thread of some good ideas from other successful servers to see how they organize and maybe incorporate those into our own spin and twists.
I too agrea, I think adding more minigames would increase the server flow. One popular server is (hive.mc.com) this server has a verity of minigames that bring people to play:Hide and seek, cow boys and indians, survival games(hunge rgames), one in the chambers, color revolution, and more... Johnny is right that if we add a few minigames we need to make it distict. One reason why people have a hard time chooseing servers is thats there all the same. If were to add some new minigames they need to bring out the servers character and those with it not the popularity to fit in to be the same as others. I would like to help come up with some ideas for the new minigames and maps.
P.S. Problem I would need staff qualitys to do so.
Johnny, Woom, Koolio I WOULD LOVE TO HELP you get some minigames idea's and some build ideas