hey guys Chris (CreeperZx3) here im just curious about these messages of people saying goodbye and stuff and
those people being my friends, and listing a bunch of names but mine, now idc but i have a favor
to ask and its basically just tell me what I am to you guys. Im just curious no hard feelings you can
say anything to me just say the truth.
if u don't wanna comment for whatever reason pm me no prob
You were a really cool friend, didn't like you at first for whatever reason but you were fun to build with at night
I cant really build anything.
I remember you were ok at first. A bit iffy kinda. Then you accused me of hacking...then greifing...called me "fat" when I said im not hacking seriously, and called me a faggot and that I should kill my self for hacking....yeah. Then you changed and were chill helped peeps and myself. Also said the hilarious comment every once in a while. ~Fin
You're okay but I have you blocked on skype
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A giant stuck up little bitch that always hated me!!! 😉
Welp D:
lmaoo wheres koolio's comment
Here is my comment done ...anything else?
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Lol koolio -_-.... I think you're a pretty nice guy creeper. Should have kept playing more with us.
*Google's "define Koolio"*
[Kewl eo]
Adjective: Cool, savage, master, asshole
morally excellent; self richous; awesome person, but probably the most savagiest asshole ever.
E.x. Chris: lmaoo wheres koolio's comment
Koolio: Here is my comment done ...anything else?
I cant really build anything.
i cri everytim
You where a dick to me at first but then you started getting cooler.
i luv dis post, plz keep it coming, koolio next righ now get hyped
For the sake of the shoutbox
thank you captain obvious pepsi, hehe say what you guys want, i had an opinion of why the chat box is lax, and i also explained subresistance to stop asking about a new server, it ended for a reason, im glad to that koolio isent burdened with any problems of it anymore. and then i simply said some old players who put the server down were better off gone while the server was running and had hopes. It could still have but it would be like 10 players overall stopping by long periods of time and occasional others. Ill admit hehe, i said it in pretty hmm, not so nicely put way 😀 but its how i feel, i never said i hope they physically die and rot in hell, and i never said they to be were banished from kz, i sometimes do wish they would have been honeslty hahahaha but that isent up to me and im glad it isent. and not "just because they stop playing and start again" because they bring down the server saying "only older times it was successful, no need for it now" as i have said multiple times, me and other people trying to enjoy it. I believe if there was more players who had hope for kz and strength for it, it would, but it isent, and honestly if it isent there better to let it be, move to something that can have strength and life, plus thinking of notch and the redstone ownership, now that makes me angry. its funny, i keep being told to tone it down. im not even mad, im typing with my fingers, occasionally having an outburst of laughs hahaha, i mean i did like kz alot, sorry guys to be harsh about it not very nice but reality of what im thinking, oh no im being to serious, oh dear im talking about kraftzone and some of its bad old players, might aswell manipulate and move it to "old players", i said the bad ones who have no care for the server only came by to bash it, or say "huh 8 players wow thats good for this server" like damn just make it look pathetic. I am hurt by it, and i dont care what any of you people have to say, everybody wrongs some places, even how brutal i make the intentions of these people sounds is exaggerated, i make it sounds like they just are itching to ruin the server, but i am saying there was generally a wait for it to collapse, and all the old players did say it wasent what it use to be, some really bash in its better of one, and as i have said, leaves people with hope shaken without any at times. I love the kraftzone community fourm, here its nice :D.
No intent for disrespect and i apologize honestly, doesent mean much typed of the fingers i do mean it though. I just strongly believe there was some players that dident have care for the players who dident have care for minecraft or kz anymore and dident understnad there was, and even not enough love like i said, i have said it, even toward the end of kz i started to fall away, not really care anymore, it seemed farthest gone then it ever was. And honestly i should have always been hopefully in it, fact i dident, and i felt others dident have as much either, really showed it dident have much for it anymore. Plus also Koolio being forced to run it as i said, he dident enjoy it anymore and i respect that fully aswell as other players who dident, its the players who said they dont enjoy the game and dont play and come by just the bash it that made me mad.
I don't know you enough Chris.. please fill out a 40 page form detailing your life
Seriously though you're fine member of kraftzone, in real life I have no idea, maybe you run import export business involving exotic ..birds and err narcotics? ..no ok... well I know you made a good kz banner so props on that anyway.
*Google's "define Koolio"*
[Kewl eo]
Adjective: Cool, savage, master, asshole
morally excellent; self richous; awesome person, but probably the most savagiest asshole ever.E.x. Chris: lmaoo wheres koolio's comment
Koolio: Here is my commentdone ...anything else?
I guess like Chris wanting to hear what other people think of you is always interesting, I like that you think I'm probably a savage asshole pepsi lol.. honestly don't think I'm that bad.
And I've come to expect the Sheep to just put large posts anywhere he pleases, its not even a relevant topic Sheep hehe don't matter though. I'd comment on that message, only I kinda have done already in other posts.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Oh no you're a fine gentleman Koolio. I was merely being a wiseass.
Hehe just to get on sheep's nerves, "I'm an old player Koolio you've known me long enough to know I'm joking"
U no Ily 5ever (3 nevr 4get *Vulcan salute*
I cant really build anything.
hehe i saw stuff and i thought i need to put some "stuff" here, sorry ill be more respectful to posts and not do that. Just old kraftzone, 🙁 got me sad, feeling down some. Seeing the old images and the server bar,and no need for it to drag on. its been alittle while but to think about it still makes me sad. Years to come ill always remeber kz, lots of funny times and sad times, good times to remember to. I moved on from that but still dont want to forget it, and remember all the old memorys and am happy to have the fourms left :D, the legacy of the zone. yeah i think iv got the point of some old crokes wanted the server gone while it still had small hopes. but theres plenty of people who did love it and just moved on.
<3 my banner got recognized by koolio finally... my dream *dies a happy creeper.. BOOOOOOOOOM-
<3 my banner got recognized by koolio finally.... finally, really I don't think so
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
I cant really build anything.