I wanna read books, but how i live in brazil everything is in portuguese so i don't even try when i lived in america i loved reading but hear i can't do that because of stupid portuguese can't find anywhere that sells english books so i looked online found this site that sell cheap books and can ship to brazil pretty cheap. now all i need is to know some books, so if u guys know any good books plz tell me. btw heres the site: http://www.thriftbooks.com ty in advance.
Books, Paper? what's wrong with you, paper is for burning and making large bon fires..
And Story Time is at youtube, get with the programming Chris 😀
jk you can find tons of books to download for offline reading, no?..
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
If I ever do read my girlfriend showed me this app called wattpad where you just download the free books straight from there. Honestly tho it depends on what genres you like. When i was younger I loved the redwall series by Brian jaques. Steven King is a great author of your into that kind of stuff lol. Umm john Steinbeck is another good author. And William steig. Or read fan made books. I read a Zelda fan book called "the silent hero" it was really great because fan made books can go beyond the realm in which it is actually supposed to take place.
And Koolio, this may be a new era of technology but maybe he likes the nostalgic feel of the crisp pages running through his fingers. That or he can kill two birds with one stone and save money on charcoal when he can just burn the books when he's done 😀
I cant really build anything.
i dont like reading on my cellphone after my eyes start to burn (im blind, have like old people eyes)