im sad to say but in the last few weeks the server has ben griefed in sevral places and not only that but theres alot of chaos going on evry one all of a sudden has god powers (equiptment ) and the lag has doubled...... so i wanna know how long the server is gona live through this
drop some names, report the chaos
"god powers (equipment ) "
players can enchant there own items... preventing godly equiptment.. possible but I'm not doing that.
"so i wanna know how long the server is gona live through this"
There are no dates for the major shake up, as I'm pretty much holding off unto Mojang release a new world update that would give me the chance to have a map reset, that's when all the big changes for Kraftzone will likely come.
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map reset, as in an entirely new map where everything is deleted? If so, I would be moderately sad, and moderately ok with that
An entirely new map yes... where the current map is stored for only members and above to visit. Existing Towns would be wiped, and replaced in protected regions under the same town names (with those in that town given access), seperate world inventory and all existing sponge region protections removed.
Basically done like that because a new map reset would need Towny to be fresh for that world, and the current number of all sponge regions is also just really large. So its not nice way to clear things out while still keeping old stuff protected. And I suppose decent looking towns and buildings could be moved over to the new map.
But this all hangs on a future Minecraft update that actually brings in some fresh map changes that make the idea of resetting the current world a good idea.
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Well i agree whit frank but at the same time there a lot of people arguing and shit But at the same time iv seen a whole lot of lag and if you do go throu whit the new map koolio i suggest not too update anymore soo youcan at least have a brake from all the plugins and shit But Kraftzone is one of the Best servers i have ever been on but i see people that can even do minecraft legit they have to use Noudes they have too hack and shit its getting realy annoying especialy whit The caps they just cant wright regular. Pules Koolio i think what this server realy needs is a fresh Start Every thing New New Spawn,towns,maybe some new staff thats on whene your cuz people be bitching when they need stuff and your afk but what i hate the most is the lag i get on and it takes me aroud 5 min too login when theres realy bad lagg it just kicks me out its realy annoying Sooo yeah
"5 min too login when theres realy bad lagg it just kicks me out its realy annoying Sooo yeah "
is this all the time? because Ive not noticed such lag like that ... still the login plugin hasn't been updated in months, it only barely works after having to downgrade the config I originally had with it.
What should a new spawn look like?
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Well whene its like really bad i cant even get too type it just satys on the one that says Welcome (myname) and the people that are on for like 10 min and im just re typeing my login and stuff and it just makes me mad it makes me wana rage and whene i tp too people tooo pvp i can move but its like im standing in one spot for the other people soo i pvp log of fly pvp
And For spawn try too get ideas from your players they play the game ask them what they wana see
most of the time your afk whene the lagg happens or your not on soo yeah
im on alot and i dont get lag
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story