Hi there,
As some of you know I have transferred universities to switch majors; the courses I took are History & Biology. That in itself will require majority of my time - along with those classes I will be assisting my Biology professor (thank you to my current advisor for setting that up for me) as a lab assistant (extra curricular, not to mention I will learn a lot!).
Now you might be thinking "Hey, that's only 6 - 7 hours a day - you have like 7 additional hours to spend on me!". Well you're right ... and wrong! Aside from studying I have also applied for more hours at work so I can pay my tutition/book fees, etc, and still have the ability to save up money for the/my future. That pretty much fills up my entire day, so the responsible thing to do is retire and let someone else have the chance to do something helpful for the community - of course if I can't be on people can't be helped.
Of course you're hoping there's a list of names I leave with some sentimental diss; and of course, you're going to get it, oh how I spoil you:
Kooglio: Of course it wouldn't be a generic kiss ass leaving/retiring thread without mentioning the owner. You are a smart guy - it is nice to see you teach yourself things to better yourself in something else. When I have a problem, whether that be with a person, school or my love life you're there like a good friend to sit down with me and talk!
Johnny: You do a lot of good for the server and you do it with a great attitude; you take things in stride and aren't afraid to mess up or ask for help. With an attitude like that and the willingness to learn I can see you going very far.
Alythh: You have these islands that are special to you and you wouldn't let anyone build on them; but that didn't stop you from letting me build my first real house there! I had a lot of fun with you on the island!
CreeperZx3: The only reason I like having you around is so I can be passive-aggresive to you; knowing you have to take it makes me happy.
RyanMT99: I'll address you later in this post.
TrampOllen: Tramper, you're super good with redstone and as I am not I was always a little envious! While we don't really talk much (I always tell you that you need to speak more) we spent a fair amount of time together - your mountain is considered home by many!
seaofpain: You're a bit of a nutjob sometimes but you do have your moments of humor!
ZForsZ: We have actually spent a lot of time together - especially during the creation of WH; of course I was more of the foreman while you built, but it still counts, it does!
Woombo: Wombo, Woombo, Woombo... even before I was a wikiteam member and helper you were friends with me - even as you were a staff member. I don't consider friendships post-staff as strong as pre-staff because my rank wont make them like me! We played a lot and it's weird saying bye to you.
Slyguy47: Sly - we started off on a super good foot and apparently that's rare so I was thankful for that. Your wit and humor makes me laugh a lot, we should talk sometime!
kcherry: strange name for the list I know; but in reality you were my first friend on KraftZone - we spent hours together building that camouflaged ant nest and farm house. Don't worry about what other people think of you - you're a great person.
Honorable Mentions:
xXDarkxSpartanXx: You are a total nut job, egotist, antagonizer and jerk some-, most times - but you definitely have a good heart! You are very dedicated to WitchHaven and I consider our friendship pretty strong; keep on working towards that helper rank, you're bound to get it in no time! (On a side note, if we listened to you and banned everyone you wanted banned there would be 3 people left on the server).
There are a lot of names for this list; if you think I like you, I probably don't - if you know I like you then this is for you:
I've spent time with everyone regardless or ranks; registered, members and even donators - I've made a lot of friendships and I will remember a lot of you for when I do play again in the future. Continue to have fun and be social - that's the type of person that I drive to hang out with on Minecraft.
Regarding WitchHaven:
I'm sure some of you are curious as to who will inherit my monster of a town - well, I thought about it long and hard (the person who I've given this town to will have something to say about that). The person I want running WitchHaven will have a few choice traits:
The person I've given my town to is RyanMT99; continue on the WitchHaven way - Quality over Quantity; don't steal members and continue to help out all members in need. While WH has this notority for stealing members we do not actively promote theft or try to convince members to leave their towns. Whilst many members of towns leave to join our town is not our doing. Do keep Dark on a leash.
With this I retire, hoping you guys have a lot of fun in Minecraft!
After a few weeks I should be setup and I may find some time on the weekends to come online but that is very doubtful as the little time I do have will probably be spent with friends.
Me and my WitchHaven homies:
As you can see our colors are represented; purple... and a lot of black.
It would'nt be a leaving post if I didn't offend a bunch of people!
Peace out!
Thanks for making the post Extaccy, you will be missed by those who got to know you and those you helped settle into Kraftzone. And I'm sure they will all understand your why you had to step down from you staff/support role it was the right thing when you don't have the freetime anymore.
Wishing you the best in your studies and don't wear yourself down with the working, I'm sure you will get through the extra course work you are going to have with switching course though.
Hopefully you still have time to come stop by kz and of course chat with "(a friend that is a GUY<<<)"
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
CreeperZx3: The only reason I like having you around is so I can be passive-aggresive to you; knowing you have to take it makes me happy.
Made my day ;D you shall be missed, even by me, like Koolio said... Hopefully you still have time to come stop by kz and chat with us !
Where's my name! D;
But honestly, I really don't know how the server will be the same without you, it's gonna be hard for everyone and really weird not having you around..
LILY! Plz don't go! I just got back from my trip! And I've been waiting to tell you hi. At least get on at some point just to say hi to us. Its sad seeing you go! And you were the best person, the best staff, the best support! We will always remember you!
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~
lol koolio your her girlfriend
Lol? Kooglio's girlfriend is Lily?
and Good luck with your work Lily Hope you dont get over stressed
Mess with the best, die with the rest
noooo other way round ice
Im gonna miss you, you we're such a great helper and when you log in i know that nothing bad happens...even if i was in trouble sometimes. The server is sooo boring without you. I hope Everything will be going great for you! with great sadness, kottelainen
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
apparently that's rare
Not at all. Let me guess though, did woombo tell you this?
You'll be missed, keep in touch as much as possible.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
hey Extacyy, you were a great Staff/Support and also a great friend, you taught me alot of things in which today I do because of you. Thank you for the things you might of done for me and hopefully you'll help others aswell. As of which you help everyone from a
different variety of personalities and such you're so dedicated when you help others! You will be missed by among all the players you helped including me and/or got them started on this wonderful server, it's like a community like you say. We are all friends and family, we might
sometimes fight but that's rare. Now you're gone and a part of me has left me like if someone important in my experience and life. There is always a space for you in the community when you'll comeback... Hope you'll be hard working full time, keep your head up even
tho sometimes it might be hard. If you dream small and if you work hard on it your dreams will be bigger then you'll ever imagine.
So hope to see you whenever you'll be free and from my part a give you A BIG THANKS for what you've done to improve and always be there for me.
Johnny, why do you go down two lines in the middle of a sentense?
And Lily, you just were special
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
I dunno wasnt really my fault... It was just meant to be
Real reason: because i forgot some words...
You were amazing to hang around with and its going to be boring wothout you. Have a good life and good luck on your studies
Thanks for the kind words,
I might be able to get on next week to say hello for an hour or so... hopefully.
Lily Sorry I wasn't here when you left, I, like many others will miss you a lot. Good luck with anything you do, and don't worry, I know you will succeed.
Stop reading this and bring me a sandwich.