It appears that, Wesley_Onions. Has stole/greifed. 4 stacks of quartz! There is fishmannyj, on the case. with Detective Creeper, at the scene at the moment.
Also there's Dale_Onions, and JoeyN2002 as main suspects, so far Wesley says "Blubber told me i can take it" then Joey says "Dale says i can take da product" And Dale says "wtf."
Stay tuned for more information!
Heres a snapshot.
unsramble answer = gemstone.
It appears that. joey, Wesley, and blubber. are main people. It looks like they destroyed a replica, of the cracked lobby. They took lots of quartz. That fish has, for evidence.
They got the quartz from here. But when i try to log block it, it says "This world isn't currently logged."
I think it was world edited. And there's only 3 people who can do that.... But there's a possibility that it was made before, or someone hacked and got themselves world edit.
They got the quartz from here. But when i try to log block it, it says "This world isn't currently logged."
I think it was world edited. And there's only 3 people who can do that.... But there's a possibility that it was made before, or someone hacked and got themselves world edit.
Logblock seems to not log the end sadly. But what did I miss? who is the third one that can worldedit? Just curious...
And I'm happy you wrote the unscramble answer, I wasn't sure what the answer was 😀
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
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It wasn't world edits i know that
Always better at asking for forgiveness than for permission.
If i tell you the 3rd person. It might start a conflict.... Just think VIP wise.... (rofl i think i gave answer away.)
I see, forgot him, yeah:)
And parts of that quarts structure are worldedited... But it was originally built right there...
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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no the greifers didnt use world edit is what im saying
Always better at asking for forgiveness than for permission.
everyone forgot about him.... everyone.
This is what happens when /lb rollback player doesn't work...
you need a slybot to repair everything, this video is in actual fact slowed down, however repairs are not accurate 😀
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Sly.... i'm curious why do u have cordinates on the top left corner..... cough* xray
Hell yea I do.