ok so I've explained this already to some of you, so this might not be anything new here.
With 1.5 I'm planning to reset the current main world map (by reset I mean make a new world map) that means the current world map needs to be prepared for this coming change.
Currently the main world map has a lot of towns, and a lot of sponges (sponges are WorldGuard regions that are created by the owner of the sponge placer, if you didn't already know that)
This is problem for the future map reset, as I will also be resetting towny and clearing all the current sponges for this new map. Existing Worldguard regions will just be edited to point to this same current map when its renamed.
Staff are getting access to Worldguard in order to help out with this task.
What needs to happen is that a lot towns need to be checked out to see if they should be protected with Worldguard for after the map reset.
This flowchart should help.. better explain how I think things should be done..
Will probably only start this process the week before 1.5 is announced. Supposedly that's around 2weeks from now, and they usually throw out the prerelease a week before, so during that prerelease week I would like to get the current world map ready to be retired. So removing of a lot more inactive and semi inactive towns.
And by retired I just mean it won't be the main map. Doing this WG protecting of stuff will mean that unlike the OldZone map from last year where no one can build on it, this time players will still be able to play and build on the map as this process should get most things protected. The reset of Towny and removal of sponges is just going to happen because Towny is kinda retarded and doens't make for easy management. Basically meaning there is no way I can edit the files (1000's of them) and make the use the the same world map after it has been renamed. So resetting Towny has to happen anyway. Besides the other reason for it is that with the new map reset will also be an economy reset that will go along with many other changes to prevent the donator and xray/job abuse for the next worldmap.
Also not mentioned in the flowchart, this is mainly for non active towns and generally sponges where the players who placed them are no longer active players.
For active towns the final stages of removing there town or sponges from this current map, and protecting it with a WG region will probably be done after the 1.5/ and new world map is out. But a note of there town/cord location will need to be written down so its not forgotten.
Can you please also make your own forum thread on here and write down any notes(like suggested in the flowchart) about towns/player creative regions you have made/or towns removed. If you want a sponge count of removed sponges (but don't forget to make a proper WG region to protect anything that is well built)
I will do an example thread, for now you can suggest anything.
Btw I'm putting this in in the general forum, as Kz players might aswel know whats happening. If you have a town, but don't mind it being deleted now and WG protected, then let me know. And if you like you can also ask to have your particular buildings etc properly protected before the map reset, as wouldn't want anything forgotten and griefed months after.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
in that mean will we loss our items ?
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
Yes you will lose them as they won't be accessible in the new "Survival" map (separate inventory)
No in that you will (hopefully) still have the items in the current map when its moved, ie it will have separate inventories.
My advice is that before 1.5 and the map reset, don't carry your best items around, instead store them in a chest.
Also I'm thinking this current map will only be accessible by members and above.. new players after 1.5 will need to get member rank before they can goto this current map.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Oh that a relieve a little
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
Wait wait wait, so that means everything we built would be gone? Why can't we just move it over to a new world?
Why don't we just leave the peoples towns who are good. Have good buildings and stuff. I mean, and the donators towns of course. I think my town needs to be saved :P. But, i think we should delete towns with nothing there, (or a mess), and leave moderate towns alive. And then transfer the rest over?
"Wait wait wait, so that means everything we built would be gone? Why can't we just move it over to a new world?"
Well its not that, that cannot happen.. its that doing that is actually more work and more checks (ie making sure the building/town etc being moved to the new map hasn't got chests with valuable items, and buildings aren't made out of diamonds blocks etc.) finally merging an old town/buildings terrain with a new map takes time with WE..being honest it just won't happen for most towns. If you think about it, and read what I said about the things you will see that you aren't losing access to your old town.
It's just won't be directly accessible like /t spawn ... the plan is to have a warp with your town name, that goes to your old town location, and if you are the Mayor of that Town then by default you will have build/destroy rights in that Worldguard region of your old town. It's then your choice if after the map reset, you go back the oldmap (the current one right now) and make your town again. Having said that I might not be allowing Towny in the old map.. so maybe not, am still looking at new plugins to be used for protecting buildings etc... sponges might be a thing of the past, but whatever replaces sponge area protection will hopefully be just as good if not better.
Same inventory & money is shared with new world map and sky spawn world.
-New world map (strictly survival only (possibly with antixray, most likely with a border radius of 9000... which is 18000x18000 square area instead of circle)
-Sky spawn (will have shops, warps, pvp games, mobarena)
-Old World (will be playable for members and above, donators will have creative access here still)
The reason for world border this time is that in the future I don't want to have a map like this current map. It's far too big to maintain, and I'd rather have more world maps (be just make a new world map in say a future minecraft update like 1.6, 1.7 etc) than keep a giant large one over multiple versions now. Easier to maintain,backup, transfer, render public map, etc etc etc.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Here my little tool I made to work out best world border size ...
.... it's over 9000 😀
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Epic flowchart and file size converter 😀
So, Koolio nothing is gonna happen to our ranks, right?
Bekwon signing out. Peace!
Lol Koolio I just noticed how many extra forum pages you have than everybody else 😀
So, Koolio nothing is gonna happen to our ranks, right?
Ranks will remain the same, and you will still have whatever rank you have before the reset.
"Lol Koolio I just noticed how many extra forum pages you have than everybody else "
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
So this plan had some setback.. I'm not sure when 1.5 is out exactly...
However this process will most likely happen after 1.5 Ie I'll make another server with the current map and the existing Towny data.
This will then be locked so anyone visiting , cannot build/destroy on the map.. however you can show me and staff where your builds are that you want WG protecting.
Once all the towns and areas that aren't towns have been protected.. then the map will be brought back into the main server and be playable.
That's the plan, however with dwindling interest and lack of support I cannot estimate as to when this will be done.
1.5 is definitely going ahead with a new map and economy reset though... special requests on moving towns into the new map might be allowed otherwise it will be how I explained above.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Cyber, our towns won't get deleted as long as you World Guard them. 😛
i did some research when 1.5 is coming out. it's either tomorrow or Friday. 😀 i can't wait for the map reset!
Lol I don't know about most people but I know Ytsen has been waiting for the map reset since about 30min after the last map reset 😀
Well, last week was pretty boring for me, since I'm more a builder I waited for the mapreset...
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