Coming real soon now...
To a store near you!
I cant really build anything.
1.35 added (modpacks)
Goto the [Updates] tab >[Check Updates] you shoudl be able to get the latest version using that.. or just use either of the below files.
Install Setup:
The above will offer to install to default location of %appdata%.minecraft and create shortcut icons in startmenu
---------or ----------
The below is do it yourself install (extract all .zip files into a new folder you created):
Portable Zip :
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1.36- Adds mod listings (easier to see which mods have been updated)
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I have v1.11, and I was wondering a few things... do you use the worldeditcui thing?(exact directions for this would be preferable)
2.Is there a way to change my skin?
3.Is there a way to get mods for this version, or do I need one of the newer versions for that?
I would update to the latest version
1.worldeditcui is included in the modpack called "1.7.2-Forge10.12.2.1127 " you can find it on tab [Mod/Addons]>[Mod Packs] in version 1.36
2. yes and no, I did make a skincapemod for 1.7.2 for cracked users, you uploaded your skin and cape at
however its not really supported much anymore because of an compatibility with optifine, so if you want to use it you can download it at there are other mods that do the same can't remember the names, but installing mods on newer launcher is pretty much the same as normal minecraft if you use the kzsetup and install to the .minecraft folder.
3. not really, just update, newer one has modpacks
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Okay, I just downloaded the .zip thingy and extracted the contents to a folder, is there anything else I need to get?
that should be it
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I don't need to download java portable or anything like that?Sorry to pester you, but the contents of this folder look nothing like the one from my v1.11 folder, so I am more than a little curious.
java portable can be downloaded from the new launcher, it self extracts after download, also java 8 portable 32/64bit was added.
you could just extract the new launcher into the same folder as the old one. It should register the existing java portable version(s), mc version(s), and profiles setup.
but ofc backup before hand if you don't trust it. I can't even remember what 1.11 had now but i'm pretty sure there was no changes in profile storage so it should work. Though I did make a change to where gamedir files are stored but I am pretty sure that big change was done before 1.11, probably in 1.10.
ie if the mcversion is called "madeupname1.7.2" then you should have a folder in the main launcher folder called "madeupname1.7.2" and inside that is where the mods, screenshots and settings are stored for that version.
--etc other files/folders for that mc version
also with newer launcher versions its possible to just update from within the launcher, [Updates] >[Check Updates] if there is an update.
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btw i'm thinking of posting this launcher on planetminecraft and minecraft forums, though I'll have to make another version that asks for premium login on the [settings]>[minecraft releases]
as currently it can be used by anyone even those who don't have premium account, but i feel enough work has been put into this launcher now that i'm sure many more would like it
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how do I get the Not Enough Items mod, or any other mod not already included? I can see several mods I would like to have, but I am not exactly sure how to obtain them...
you would have to install that yourself, toomanyitems is included, but u can remove it and install the other.
if you download the modpack: 1.7.2-Forge10.12.2.1127 includes forge obviously, and liteloader, so most mods should be as easy as putting them in the ..1.7.2-Forge10.12.2.1127mods ...folder
- is still being worked on, currently it shows mods for 1.7.10 and older ie you see the mod, goto the url and then follow install instructions, that tab is purely just to keep upto on what has been added for 1.7.10, or other versions when I finish it,
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A video tutorial going through how to use it will be done later, though if anyone else wants to volunteer doing one that would be great aswel!! Tried to make the launcher as intuitive as possible, but open to suggestions.
Latest features:
1.36- Adds mod listings (easier to see which mods have been updated)1.35- Adds modpacks...
It will auto download the base files required to run the modpack, the modpack only includes mods and additional library files that are required to run the mods, that is why you will still need to download all the base minecraft resources such as sounds mainly.
(click the download link in the button, not the button :))
Install Setup:
[download=KzSetup_1.36.exe] [/download]The above will offer to install to default location of %appdata%.minecraft and create shortcut icons in startmenu
---------or ----------
The below is do it yourself install (extract all .zip files into a new folder you created):Portable Zip :
[] [/download]Run "Minecraft Launcher.exe" (this file can be renamed, it will still work)
Disclaimer: While its fully tested to work on my end, I can't fully test every computer scenario or possible bug, so if anything goes wrong let me know and I'll try to help fix it. Also this launcher only connects to Mojang for mc releases and resource files, and for modpacks, javaportable and launcher updates (and that's only if you hit the update button to check)
Instruction help
Once installed goto [Settings]>[Minecraft Releases] to get full minecraft releases.
Or use the [Mod/Addons] to get modpack releases.
Fill in "MC Username", select options, add a "Profile Name" then click [Add Profile], you then select name at the bottom of the screen and press [Launch]
Coming Next
-I do plan to make it easier to create you own modpacks, and upload them.
-An easier way of enabling/disabling mods directly in the launcher without having to get messy with moving/renaming files before launching.
-Always more bug fixesChange Log... check launcher [Updates] for full log.
----v1.36---- 15/7/2014 ----
- New Feature: Mod listings can be found on [Mod/Addons]>- Bug fix: Modpacks/MCVersions grid row styling now accurate all the time
- Launcher is now resizable, sometimes useful for the grid views.----v1.35---- 11/7/2014 ----
- New Feature: [Mod/Addons] tab now contains the long awaited modpacks
- Moved Java Portable downloads into the [Mod/Addons] tab.
- Many bugfixes with downloading modpacks, extracting, uninstalling mods.
- Known issue: Once a mod or mcversion has been installed the highlight color
may still show red on Installed even, just manually reselect it etc----v1.34---- 02/7/2014 ----
- Bug fix: Zip extraction progress now accurate.
- No longer requires launcher restart when adding Java portable versions.----v1.33---- 26/6/2014 ----
- Bug fix: now downloads all the files required for newer 1.7.10+ releases.
I broke it in 1.32 fixing another bug, so be sure to upgrade to this version!!----v1.32---- 22/6/2014 ----
- Java 8 Portable 32/64bit added into 'Updates' tab for download & install.
- Console output option added in 'Settings' tab, lets you see detailed log
information, and any extra info and errors while loading and running game.
- Copy log button added to 'About' tab.----v1.31---- 20/6/2014 ----
- A fake launcher_profile.json added if the file does not already exist,
required so forge installer works.
-Create gamedir folder in kz launcher incase minecraft doesn't (prevents
a crash if forge loader is installed as it loads up before minecraft and looks
for mods in the gamedir when starting up)----v1.30---- 30/5/2014 ----
-Check updates now gets latest launcher version information,
downloads and prompts to updats the launcher after app close.
-"Minecraft Launcher.exe" can be renamed and will still work including
- Uninstalling a minecraft version will prompt to remove the gamedata
folder aswel. (assets(sounds,textures, library files, will not be removed as
they are used by multiple minecraft versions. You can still manually delete
files/folders, and it will redownload the files required when you install
a new minecraft version.
- Error handling for canceled downloads and incomplete files will be removed.
- Extra debuging code added, [Settings]>Debug (enabled/ticked), will show
more error information if there is any.Old information some of it is relevant (mainly the 1.7.2 modpack)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v1.11---- 08/01/2014
small bug fix update.. only needed if you are having problems with errors when pressing Launch button.Includes 3 mods for 1.7.2 use the LiteLoader1.7.2 version when launching includes Optifine! Check changelog for more info.
Portable Download:
Installation: Make a folder like "McPortable" where ever you want, extract the above zip file into that folder, then run "Minecraft Launcher.exe", it will ask to download the rest of the files needed.Note: It does not include the portable java, you can goto the 'Updates' tab and download the 32/64bit java portable version. Otherwise it just uses your OS java version to run (if you don't have, then download the portable java).
Setup installation download:
Installation: Same as above, only this provides a installer can also be uninstalled using it.Changelog...
----v1.10---- 04/01/2014 ----
- Liteloader1.7.2 added
-- mods: OptiFine HD A7 Ultra, Worldedit CUI 1.7.2, TooManyItems- The launcher can now read /version/ .json files, meaning you can
copy your modded library folders and minecraft versions from the
official launcher(where its easier to setup new mods anyway) into the
respective Kz launcher folders, and run them.
This will make it easier to do mod packs in the future, you can
technically make them yourself now.-Hidden feature:
Drag and drop a .jar file onto the launcher and it will use the
launcher Java version (inc. portable) to run the jar from its location.
Useful if .jar files are set to open by something else like winrar and
not the OS system Java.Includes some code from Atom Launcher change log
----v1.00---- 25/10/2013 ----
- Added 1.7.2 support
- Settings tab
- Custom Java arguements
- Mojang Authentication bug fixes- Each mc version has its own gameDir, the mc version name
is the same name as gameDir folder. Makes it a lot easier for
the upcoming modpacks and enabling/disabling mods per
mc version that you use.Your in game setting files, screenshot folder etc will be in the
mc version folder you use (found in the main launcher folder.)For 1.6.4 use.....
Replace the existing files.. it will ask to download 1.6.4 or if you haven't gotten the original files it will get base files first.
Mods that are included and work with LiteLoader1.6.2...
CJB (fly) xray not included
PlayerAPI (required for SmartMoving
Liteloader (required for .litemods)
WorldEdit CUI (GUI)
Kraftzone SkinCapeMod
Kraftzone 10,000 chat history( not compatible with tabbychat(max1000 line history))
Kraftzone ScreenshotModComing soon (tested and working with 1.6.2 /litloader (just put in mods folder )
Quick Third Person (QTP)/VoxelMod Pack (vision, board, menu, voxelsniper gui)
This mod setup is set to change in later launcher versions.
----v0.98 ---- 22/09/2013 ----
- Added 1.6.4 support----v0.93 ---- 15/08/2013 ----
- Added debug checkbox in About tab
- Added quick 'Open Folder' button, use as
quick shortcut to the portable folder.----v0.90 ---- 14/08/2013 ----
- Launching bug fixed when using folders with spaces!
- Added cape mod support
Visit site add your Playername to have your own cape.
(Only works for LiteLoader1.6.2 and mcpatcher Mc versions)
- Fps improvement mod added (mcpatcher version only)
- Custom selection boxes mod added.
- Java portable 7 (32bit) included in the default download again.----v0.87 ---- 13/08/2013 ----
-Pack Extraction
-Added shader mod if you use MC version "1.6.2-mcpatcher"
-Other bugs and checks fixed------
Updated to v0.81Now includes premium login support....
Authenticates your premium account with Mojangs login server before launching the game (this allows you to play on premium servers (beware my version doesn't have complete error handling on this, so if you get errors, make sure your username/password are correct, better to check using the official launcher if you have login trouble just to make sure it isn't there servers or your user/pass being incorrect)Also this should be easier to run now, installation is pretty simple, download it, extract the file into a new folder like "Minecraft Portable" then run it. It asks to download the required files, and extract them for you now. You will need to visit the "Update" tab to get the portable java32/64bit versions if you want the complete portable setup.,otherwise it will use your OS installed java version.
Some of the advantages over running default Minecraft other than you need a premium account.
Is that Minecraft by default installs to your local profile folder ie (%appdata%.minecraft) before 1.6 that was a pain if you wanted to test and use different mods without having to manually patch minecraft.jar and add/remove other mod files from certain folders.
Portable Minecraft lets you get around all those silly hassles aswel as letting you run it from any drive/folder maybe you have a faster drive to put it on. Though the 1.6 premium launcher has made improvements and does allow user profiles now.
It however still isn't great, my launcher provides a few nice extras like starting minecraft at specific window sizes, and directly connecting to your favorite MC server. I will in the future be making more enhancements and fixing any bug (report if you find any), currently the version 1 releases doesn't save profile username or allow multiple profiles. It also doesn't authenticate with Mojang servers for those with a premium account that want to connect to other premium servers, I obviously don't care because Kraftzone is not a premium server 😛
It also has neat way of launching mcpatcher directly from the portable location.. again advanced features that some might find very useful.
Download includes the launcher ...
Example screenshot of how the folder setup should look like if you extract it properly...
(Extract anywhere, you can rename the main folder "MinecraftPortable" to whatever you want (I renamed the folder to MC1.6.2) ..
Inside of it, Run "Minecraft Launcher.exe" ..fairly self explanatory
You can ignore space bug issue now.. at has been fixed in version 0.90
NOTE: Make sure for that any folder you extract the main files to, does not contain any folder spaces.Example:
C:McLauncher <This will work>
C:GamesMinecraftPortable <This will work>
C:Mc Launcher <This won't work right now>
C:Program FilesMC1.6.2 <This work either, because 'Program Files' contains a space.Until I find a workable fix around that problem that is.
You can use system java (you should have java installed anyway) or portable pick java32bit
fyi antivirus alert? If you don't trust my software I don't want you using it.
----------, , Liteloader, Macromod, CJB(xray,fly) TMI, Reisminimap, PlayerApi, my own mods( 10,000 chat line history, and screenshot mod) ..if you select the MC Version "LiteLoader 1.6.2" before launching
_GGMaster_ ???
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Are all of the mods that are in green on the mods list just the ones that are available, or are they already put on for use?
oooh no.. if you look at the column header it says "Source" meaning that mod has sourcecode, and red meaning it doesn't.
really it was just keeping in with the style of the other tables, but doesn't mean that mod is installed in the modpack you currently have selected... I might try make it like that, it could work if you use a modpack i make because I can provide a list of mods it uses, for it to compare against.... but then if you change anything like add/remove mods yourself then it wouldn't be very accurate anymore without a whole lot more coding to check.
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sooooo... in all technicality, the fact that the evilcraft mod has a green box next to it doesn't mean it is in the mods folder, and will have to be downloaded and placed there myself? and can a mod with a red box be put in the folder and expected to run?
ignore the source red/green stuff... its just cosmetic.. I kinda like to know which mods have source code available to see..
you'll need to click the link which redirect to the proper mods official page and go from there.. should be download link/instructions etc.
if you use the modpack i did for 1.7.2 has support for forge and litemods installing most mods should be as easy as putting the downloaded mod in the /"1.7.2-Forge10.12.2.1127/mods/" folder
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So, basically it'll take either a .jar or litemod file?
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