Minecraft NEW LAUNCHER IS OFFLINE?! Plus New Lego!
Mess with the best, die with the rest
see this why?
please tell me you don't watch that ?
my own launcher almost has working premium login support, also its offline play anytime none 😀
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
but what if they can't serpass the launcher now?
there will be no crack and all of us will have to buy primiume
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Magic Launcher should do the trick, though it seems that mojang is trying to get rid of cracked players.
Now, for cracked players going underwater will result in a white screen with lines (I'd describe it as the ghast texture) This is the result of "The duplication of mc-(numbers)"
Not too much of a drawback, but I will now be using my premium, even though it has a ridiculous name, and I expect many cracked will either purchase or switch to premium, if they have it.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
"Now, for cracked players going underwater will result in a white screen with lines (I'd describe it as the ghast texture) This is the result of "The duplication of mc-(numbers)"
Not here it doesn't
Right now mojang are doing more to screw the game and any modder development.
The whole support the game developer mantra goes out the window when said company is making millions while only paying the salary of a very small team that seems to spend more time on twitter shit, making half assed updates, and generally just taking what the community of developers have already helped out in coding and design.
The new client launcher to some will be seen a good direction as it finally lets players choose to use a profile of an older/newer version of minecraft without all the hassle. mojang have been fking asked to provide that for years instead of forcing players to a new version, when there own server client is garbage, and leaving bukkit to spend weeks after the update to provide a decent server version.
However instead of just offering that improvement alone, they've bundled it with a great big fuk u to anyone who wants to use mods for minecraft and an even bigger fu to those who actually do make minecraft mods. They are wanting to prevent any modification to minecrafts own files with this new launcher.. with the reason being that this has to be done to pave the way for there never talked about mod api. Of course nothing is really spoken about what kind of modapi mojang envisions being good for minecraft, but I'm willing to bet it will be a case of people shouldn't have even bothered asking for those idiots at mojang to make the modapi, as things were better before when most developers worked out compatibility issues with others mods, and worked together in making modloaders that would suit everyone, you can say that mojangs updates to minecraft alone have done more to fuck up the kinda of improvements that could have really been done to the game had it not been for the constant lame updates and bug fixes cus they suck at noticing there own bugs.
And most client mods in the past have gone right ahead modifying things to provide better enhancements and additions to the game as doing it any other way would have just been insanely difficult for even the intermediate java developer, minecraft has gotten many new programmers into using java more than any other game, what they are doing now with hard ass changes like no modding of minecraft files is just a great big fu to everyone as it will show later on as less mods get made or even updated. And this is the part that pisses me off, there stinking Terms of usage alone is reason enough for me to say fuck them and support piracy of the game while people still want to play it. Notch seems to keep a low profile on the minecraft scene, but he damn well knows that without the minority pirating and those who modded his game it would in no way, be anywhere near as popular as it has become as most would never have bought premium. Right now they are saying fuk that minority to me, and while it won't make any difference right now as people can still get around all the hassles... the direction has been set and it will only be time before they try to prevent offline servers completely, and stop premium users from using a modded minecraft file forcing them to only use approved mods that work the way mojang want them to work.
"Not too much of a drawback, but I will now be using my premium, even though it has a ridiculous name"
Again if mojang weren't complete fucking buffoons, they would have already started offering premium players and authenticating servers a way of allowing players a server specific username (one of the biggest fucking reason premium players still use cracked mc to specify there own playername,) it alone would do more to protect players accounts from being hacked, have mojang done it, fuk no... it would also allow players to finally have the username they want on a server they play on the most.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
mojang is just stupid!!! the thing that mojang wants is more and more players but half of those who play this game has cracked players!?!
Modding manually for me seems to have always been easier, but as I said, magic launcher will both let you in as cracked and allow you to use mods. I'd suggest using it if you are cracked.
I'd rather have the ability to mod back, then any number of useless updates mojang creates.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
but then agine. . . dafaq who cares eny more even if koolio revurts back to 1.5
Mess with the best, die with the rest