clever Paul, but seriously your obviously brianwashing your players to think that you walk on water or some shit.
Dilly, there is a reason as to why ambush wants his money back:
First, Koolio is a dick
Second, Koolio took his staff away because he was gone on family matters,
Third, true ambush had staff, but as did bluedude and look what happened to him.
Koolio your calling me hokie and redneck, but the truth is im 17 and better off than you are in life. Do you see me stiiing on minecraft every day of my life? No, i actually have friends and things to do. You are a complete idiot and i dont care if i get banned from this because this server is a joke compared to when i first joined. after that it all went downhill with koolios mood swings and period times. so this is Reddneckapache saying FUCK ALL YOU BITCHES... thanks for your time
"Rippin' lips and packin' dips" ~Any true redneck can relate
i agree with that red..... this server use to be great koolio... u turned it to shit.. all went downhill
your a real McAsshole, you know dat? and im not a redneck you fucking british cunt... you want some tea and scones? theyre in your ass. Why dont you go fuck your mom in her basement? or is your dick too small? oh yeah........
Fuck you bitch get a life
"Rippin' lips and packin' dips" ~Any true redneck can relate
"Also if Koolio feels free to demote me im fine with it. "
quoted from ambush's post when he was talking about needing to take a break, accusing me of taking his rank away like I shouldn't have done is just immature. The post is here.. ...back when both you guys weren't known as the ass clowns you are now.
Also bluedudex2 had called it quits before his return to shit stir whatever you mean by "and look what happened to him." is just more of the same old twisted crap.
And insults are kinda expected, I'm sure you're both still burned from my last scathing post ... However I'm sure the ban will sink in just how stupid and pointless this was. Can't say I didn't warn you on this but you just had to push it.
"the truth is im 17 and better off than you are in life. "
I'm sure you are better off than me in life... here is a tip; life isn't a race to idiocracy! And if you are going to stir shit with someone, and at the same time demand they give a 'donation' back to a 'friend', then you don't behave like a neanderthal.
"this server use to be great koolio... u turned it to shit.. all went downhill"
I'm taking notes on this helpful feedback while I remove those who have been dragging it downhill.. live and learn, now please try doing the same while you're both gone.
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If you are mad about the money you 'donated', I recommend reading the donatorpage again. It clearly says: 'Any donation made is in good will, and not in expectation for any perks or rank upgrades.'
I hope you will accept your faillure...
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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There is no need for those rash comments.
I left for different purposes, that do not need to be mentioned. "This server used to be great koolio..... u turned it to shit .... it all went downhill". The server is good, and is a lot of fun, it has gone into rough times (since I don't play here anymore :D), but that doesn't necessarily mean its bad.
The old saying "Love is in the eyes of the beholder" plays a lot in this.
See, you and redneck don't like the server.
If you look at RedArrow, he loves the server.
That is all I have to say.
Who is the man holding bees, and why? And how did he get love in his eyes?
The most probable situation is that those bad little bees swore revenge against that human for taking their honey. So for years, they formulated a plan.
When the time was right, they struck! All at once, the hive dove down and stung the human at his most vulnerable places. The bees also sprayed a new bee chemical into his eyes, C43H66N12O12S2. The human was quick with his hands though, and he grabbed the bees and held them down.
Now, we are back where we started. Love is in the eye of the bee-holder.