So Kraftzone has been having A shit load of Problems of Crash .-. So I wounder Whats going D: Some one needs too fix it When there's no crash It Lag when its not lag its So What can we do?
New Hoster?
Server restart?
Not Update for a While?
Get notch to fix it .-.
I would wright more but i am doing homework so yeah 😛
Love Yall ^_^ see yall On Sunday or Saturday 😛
I would wright more but i am doing homework so yeah
I would wright more
Write -.-
It wasn't English homework, was it? 😀
Anyway new hoster, most likely this coming February (still undecided on if it should be a bigger expansion or not). ALso that won't guarantee no more crashes, because its a plugin setup or some map bug, that is causing this instability and I'm have great difficulty in pinning it down. The server errors logs are so vague. In the mean time will be looking at giving out access to certain people in order restart the server when its crashed.
I am hoping 1.5 comes out before any server move though.
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Nope Spanish 😀 Lol
I haven't been to English in 2 day so Yeah
And New Hoster Scares me if its sly We are all fuckd ....