I checked on my KZ town and saw only 7 people online. is KZ losing players? What is going on?
Bekwon signing out. Peace!
The server has been atacked by noobs agine
and so a small amount of players or re-joining back to kz
Mess with the best, die with the rest
The server has been atacked by noobs agine
and so a small amount of players or re-joining back to kz
What are you talking about?
people are quiting minecraft because they're old enough for a job/life/ect. they have other things to do, that has nothing to do with the attacks and the dosers
Dilly, the server keeps getting offline now and then... People don't like servers with much offline time. Those people who are addicted to minecraft, I mean really adddicted, can't have one day without... That means they will search for another server with less downtime.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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I just don't have much time ATM.
No two Rainbows are the same.
Neither are two packs of Skittles.
Enjoy an odd mix.
dilly stop commenting shit
if you don't even know what is going on,your allway's commenting shit
Mess with the best, die with the rest
dilly stop commenting shit
if you don't even know what is going on,your allway's commenting shit
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
dilly stop commenting shit
if you don't even know what is going on,your allway's commenting shit
Bs. You don't even know how to spell should. and A LOT of other things
It does seem like dilly commenting shit ;D