DONT I MEAN DONT continue to antaginize kott when she gets on. She got a secound warning from kooglio. she hasent done anything since. the only thing wrong is the surge of people wanting her banned from the server and making posts like this and bringing up little issues and blowing them out of proportion. You guys are harassing do you realize that? she got onto day dident say anything any thing and was continually berated by you guys. i told her to mute brandon!! and they still said it was abuse, she even gave them a a warning. So lets make it clear STOP intentionally screwing with her, do i agree that what she did in the past is a good thing? no i dont check my relipes on the other posts i clearly do not support. But do i continue to cuase drama and pick on her? No i dont and i strongly suggest you guys do the same.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
she is too immature to have staff
cfc pl0x dont bring up dead posts. tq
ok kott ur being rely annoying, tping me to places when im in the middle of building, also when u freaking came to my house and put barriers all over the place... cmon omg
I do it to you cus yeh ur my best mate. Haha. I stopped when you told me man ;)) Btw could you add me on skype? Love ya
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Actually I have gotten tired of this, kott you are no longer staff and I'm not defending you any more, you have been trolling players and handling things very badly and despite warnings you still find a way to do it again, its taken its tole and players aren't so forgiving of past actions when you are not really changing.
Its for the best, and if there is one thing I cannot stand you doing it is befriending people on social profiles and then later using it against them for whatever reason, that shit does not fly with me.
That topic you started "Re: Spleef arena thingy [read] :-)" about some greifing... and the later replies you made posts towards cfc, and then later locked the topic, I'm not having that, you be like that without staff rank on here, it was also not how staff are meant to handle greifing issues, it is more along the lines of what a player without staff rank would do it.
So you're welcome on the server still, but no staff rank its caused way to many troubles for kraftzone and the declining playerbase.
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I agree
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm sorry kott 🙁
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<3 u