Today, BrandonMC_ and Kott got into this fight.
It all started when Kott was saying how she was scared and that she hears sounds all of a sudden. I tp'ed Brandon to me then Kott decided that she wanted to tp to Brandon.
As Kott came to him she killed BrandonMC_ by doing the /kill cmd. Brandon asked to pvp her and then she took Brandon's armor. Brandon got pissed and she left. Then she reconnected but this time she had a nodus on, a hacked client. They pvped and Brandon was unable to hit her and Kott had Kill Aura which automatically hits player in range without her clicking on the person. Kott refused to say that she had hacks on. She killed Brandon 3 times which made him so pissed that Kott was happy.
Kott claimed that she had hacks on. She didn't tell us directly that she used hacks. She began to say that it's because of her brain and that she couldn't control herself. She said that she does things when she's sleepy. She said that she wasn't using but she was frustrated.
Kott wanted to kill him again but Brandon refused and said that she had god on. Since this was getting overboard I decided to directly ask her if she was really using Kill Aura and she finally approved that she was using Kill Aura. She killed Brandon because she wanted to become happier.
Then Kott and Brandon decided to treat each other names and eventually it just disrupted the chat. I mean I was semi AFK so I didn't see all the things that happened.
My point is that this fight was pointless and that both of them has done something wrong but Kott shouldn't of did those actions. Brandon could of ignored Kott's bad behaviour and not treat her that and this. This is important to know that not because someone is Staff means that they should permit themselves to do everything they want to. It doesn't mean that they can abuse and use their perks to kill, harm or annoy anyone.
She abused and I think she deserves a demote. Lets face it Kott has been a good helper but she never had respect to other players. She likes to troll players, tp them to her and killing them and annoy players.
Anything to say about this kott?
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Im kinda bored so imma reply to this and be detective creepa
so first is first, why u tp brandon to yourself? give him more op items? there's rumor around that johnny give op items to "brandon" and then he give to his friends, but hey "rumors".
Now about the /kill thingy im sure thats pretty annoying but also being killed by op items from brandon out of nowhere which he does alot, one of the reasons I kinda left KZ ::) Im not saying she's right, and he's wrong, im saying karma is a-... what i meant to say is you both should stop killing people for no reason with commands and ur op fancy stuff.
Also about dem hacks... uhhh dafuq is Kill Aura? like cmon Johnny how u know what that is? google ?
Also the fighting about name calling uhhh yea pl0x do that on skype or something not on KZ, new players will get annoyed and leave :/ and next year we wont get much players if nobody makes videos, and not much current KZ players make videos. So we need new players to become Addicted to KZ.
But in the end Im bored and you do what you want Koolio, but try looking at this from all wayssssssSSsSsssS ~cya
And Johnny, what do you have to say about Brandons 3x stacks of hacked armor and swords etc?
we know it's you that give out the items. it's just not grown into a big deal.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And Brandon. You say i'm a bad staff/player.
People have left/are leaving the server only becouse of YOU.
I see you killing new and old innocent players really often and you just continue. And you call me bad? What about you?
Becouse me and sheep etc don't rage and make forums about you killing people doesn't mean you are innocent and can do what the fuck you want.
Those cute cheeks are hiding a bitchy personality. You call people slut, mean, bitch, etc. When they have done nothing to you.
What are you searching for? Drama?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
lol kott trying to reverse this demote appeal from kott to Johnny....
also them items... hmm idk wut to say but this..
The staff/support that is giving him the items should stop, and dont say that any staff/support isn't because if they aren't who is? like is he hacking? i dont think so, not 100% though either, and if u did give him stop giving, and tell him to destroy the items or stop using them at all, not even killing mobs, because its unfair for everyone. Also if ur thinking "meeh no big deal if only a few people have op items" but in some ways it does, because like brandon that kills people for no reason at all. it can annoy people a lot, especially if that person joined this server to make a town and build a bigger community, not to be killed by some hacker or someone that has op items. like cmon guys stop thinking about having fun, and think about making this server last forever. :/
Also im not saying that it was Johnny, but like idk man could be kott herself O_O idk could be even Koolio O___O could be anyone~
Brandon's just searching for attention
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Creeper, It is johnny giving out the items! Me and sheep are 100% sure of it. Everyone knows it's johnny giving the items
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm sure there was post by myself over the op item issue not so long ago.. those rules still apply though I'm not bringing it up here.
Kott this was about your behavior, it comes across like you were just out to cause trouble, and that is not why you were made staff, using /kill, and pvp hacks like kill aura for a pvp fight is not on. Johnny giving Brandon op items might be an issue, but no need to go about things the way you did.
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i am pissing myself right now! im reading the replys on posts and i look at creepers and i see this shit why are you tp'ing him to you? lol because i asked and i wanted to build with him? because hes a support he cant play like a normal person and i also saw this shit "but also being killed by op items from brandon out of nowhere which he does alot, one of the reasons I kinda left KZ ::)" really dude? i never actually killed you LEL ever. and with the "what is kill aura actually" are you retarded? lol he explains it himself but i guess here are some examples :
ITEMS: My items have been given to me.. by who many people actually. not only johnny no lots of people have gave me my items i have also lost of my items because of what i do with them at times but i dont blame it on my sleepless nights and shit. kott get a life ur honestly such a bitch. Everyone can see what u did you admitted to it i think you need a break from kraftzone everything you just try to blame shit on everyone else and it doesn't work anymore.
you also have op times from to much inventory.
you killed me with it 4 times yesterday.
and op items again these players have op items - SirMrManSheep,Kott herself,Johnny,woombo23 and myself. its better.
yes i have killed some new players before then i learned more and more about the server i knew the server needed people but now i know its got dumb people like kott and it really is in trouble i own part of the facebook of kraftzone i have tried and continue to try and get more players its not my fault were not a really active game mode in eyes of 3 year olds.
I know theres posts about these stupid fucking op items but i have learned my lesson when kooglio finally got supper pissed after i did something and have stopped killing people on purpose now sometimes my friends like caleb or something want me to kill them so i use it lol we were just playing a game where it goes i find them and have to kill them to fill the floor with heads.
Wooo wooo wooo wooo wooooo wooo wooooo woooooooooooooo wooooooo wooooooooo wooooooo!!!
Yeah this is kinda getting a bit manipulated it seems hahaha
Somehow getting turned into a confrontation about OP weapons from Just another kott topic
I mean Kott being kott is just yeah,not much to say, but what can i say? Forgiveness. Copy paste it from a web site and try create guilt with something you dident even read and you go against just by typing a few letters into the fourm post that was all pasted in but a few letters, in which you tainted every single word in that fourm. Not to mention onthe people you put away in there was just someone i enjoyed on the server when i first played and was in my old town, and he was literally harassed as i stood by getting told i was going to be demoted if i was to step in or anything. just a video game hahahaha but its still kinda fucked when someone is like 'plz help me :,(' because they are getting that recked in a video game, since someone got perms to just overkill them. thing is, Demoted? Been over it. i dont really want anyone to feel shitty or down from losing there rank, but i dont like to see players getting harassed or bugged for no reason. Even with the griefing, a afk koolio mess over a town caused a mess and changed the landscape a bit, and even over zkings awesome statue like wtf? why? I mean idk what to say, but its not really good for staff to do any of those things intentionally and with the mentality of how it was done, if it was up to me, id give someone like that the big boot long ago but thats me
and koolio is an awesome admin, so there for
who knows.
Next up:
No no no no no no no no... Not you and me are 100% sure, its a fact. i gave brandon tools to but thats only cause he already had or would have had them. i mean shit, like he use to lose his tools from time to time, when he would lose them, to me he would seem sad, Since his toys are gone hehe XD but he would get a restore from johnny and one time he got a restore, and i got a cloned set of my very own "Johnny tools!" XD i was staff and couldent make so it was how i had to obtain the weapons, and since i had cloned the tools from his inv, since i had access to his and not johnnys, multple times multle sets i had alot of them and when sea lost his stuff so he dident have to mope around waiting for johnny i could just click click and he would have his stuff back and he would be happy XD, but as i figured and knew but just seemed i couldent confront was a bit of a problem, is people seeing the tools(wanting, complaining), them being used(complaining, instant-armor breaking), and possible negative reaction with counteractions rendering my actions useless.
The op tools to noobs are like the ring to smegol, actually probably worse. They see the op tool: "My precious!!!" *starts attacking people* *inchat* I WANT MY PRECIOUS!!!!
Funny thing is, they never had it, there dang eyeballs layed sight on it, through hoving there mouse over it when someone uses one to kill, or one is given to be looked at, or if they have /invsee, they see it. and usally they will beg. Some people will be super persistent which is really annoying, which cases have shown that they are also super ungrateful hahahahaha, you could give them it, and guess what? no it wasent you that gave it to them(otherwords, some people have got some tools that werent op they were enchant loaded(to some thats "OP" but thats just a bunch of uselessness, still will have 13.25 attack damage) and they run around like they are top shit, and they earned it all by hand and worked daily to enchant the books themselves to put on, when really they got a damn sword handed to them and act like they did something, gtfo outta here) i mean its just bullshit. Its like thats one situation where its like 'okay, just trash all these tools now' since its annoying people like that who really punch it in. No true appreciation and some smegol syndrome, makes giving tools and even owning them a possible hassle.
Them being used in pvp combat is one that is pretty big, biggest about it. It is not only unfairer then shit to use them, but it also creates a bitch fest and results and completely eradicated sets of armor. Its just a fact, sharp v diamond sword and loaded protection iv "god" armor sets cannot stand up to even a strike of a 10k arrow, or even a 1k sharp sword :o. So when people are completely dominated with broken armor, kinda like an insult to injury(sure it can be replaced in most, if not all cases it was :D) but still they dont stand a chance, and to some to not be able to fight, and just sit by and be completely wrecked, it could be very aggravating. Especially if the bone was picked with the bones that are to be after getting hit with one of those tools :o. Some people will make fourm posts about the tools, will report them and say they are a hacker. These tools being used in pvp that isent allowing use of those items, or using in pvp that is basic levels , is what is bad. If pvp was just was with others with op tools, then no problem really :D.
another thing really is that if i am to take the only real last existing weapons from the only player who has real op tools, i mean i dont know the reaction or the setbacks of what it was. I mean when i first because staff is around the times brandon got his tools from him, and i would think whether or not that if it would be good to just confiscate all his tools when things got out of hand, so he couldent just grab more if they were taken. And would solve the problem of op tools once and for all i would think, but thing was, as staff i dident just want to take all his tools away, which would likely make him mad, hate my guts 😮 and a big thing i pictured: after that, gets his tools back from johnny. so i would just waste my time doing that, and he would get them back. so i would still have someone running around with op tools and even worse, probably being mean or just causing trouble just to cause trouble(someone who tried to do something just to cut a problem from its roots, not do anything to make someone sad or upset personally, since i would make him upset since he really does enjoy his tools, part of the reason i never have went through and just tried to trash em all. as i said i dont like people being miserable or upset) And honestly hasent been a big deal to me at all really, though others have said its big a deal. I dont mind him owning them
I guess i have kinda thought about that one a bit cause its still a good topic and thing that seems to be around is "OP TOOLS" so i have been thinking, i have an idea high level enchant system of bought tools into the game, it would be very good for players who want "op" tools and cant get them. Well, not to op. but i say around level X enchants , or various sets of armor for sale. Like you could by unbreaking X protect X if thorns V if you wanted. im not sure how to work it all out, but it would at some interest and motivation to work for money again, as well as cutting the fluency of how easy some people can get money. So if there was a system for obtaining, it wouldent be "Beg i need my stuff, i want my op tool you have to give me"
its like "no, work hard and get one yourself". but ofcourse this level of "op" isent like 10k sharp arrows, so theres a bit of a problem still, that while most would have those, some might still want the 10k sharp. Another thing aside from that, creating a cost for speical named weapons, i think this could get players working hard also. Not to sure on it all, or if anyone will read this part O_O but hopefully XD d
Welp make that another kott post. also got to express some about a problem that isent big to me, but has been a little bit of trouble and could be again. Even though the direction with the op wep was a direct way to try to throw of the real point of this topic. Bottemline is on the Op tools: brandon owns them and people complain.
If you are accusing the old me then I don't mind but I didn't give brandon those items. You can tell because i don't come online a lot. Koolio you made someone support not long ago he might of given Brandon Op items. I'm just saying I've changed and don't agree to give items away.
I'm defending myself because this thing that you think it was me the provider of the "op items" isn't true. The one giving the items is someone isn't posting on this post.
Lol Johnny, you didnt even read Sheep's post did you? haha you dont even read a reply on your on post... hahah
Next up:
No no no no no no no no... Not you and me are 100% sure, its a fact. i gave brandon tools to but thats only cause he already had or would have had them. i mean shit, like he use to lose his tools from time to time, when he would lose them, to me he would seem sad, Since his toys are gone hehe XD but he would get a restore from johnny and one time he got a restore, and i got a cloned set of my very own "Johnny tools!" XD i was staff and couldent make so it was how i had to obtain the weapons, and since i had cloned the tools from his inv, since i had access to his and not johnnys, multple times multle sets i had alot of them and when sea lost his stuff so he dident have to mope around waiting for johnny i could just click click and he would have his stuff back and he would be happy XD, but as i figured and knew but just seemed i couldent confront was a bit of a problem, is people seeing the tools(wanting, complaining), them being used(complaining, instant-armor breaking), and possible negative reaction with counteractions rendering my actions useless.
I believe kottel should be demoted not only that she thinks she can abuse her rank in staff, but also do to what happened last week with her greifing. I think nocking kottel down in rank will do what is best for us all. This rank removal is better in my opinion rather then a bann. I do forgive her for what happened last week but this increase of abusing her rank will not and is not tolerable.
Heh i have an ipod yknow its really hard to read the screen. I didnt want to read that long ass text just to reply with 5 sentences.
its true we were playing a game it was really fun! I agree 100% with Brandon
Deadpool 🙂
I feel so loved
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Don't bring me into this. What your saying is its woombo23, which i'm telling you right now, i dont even know how to make OP items only duplicate items, so this is how its going to go
Im going to post a nice little list of every OP item seaofpain has, and you two can go read it 😀
Here we go
BOOBIE PROTECTION/AND OTHER ARMOUR pieces I have seen his arsinal and i garintee you nothing i could or ever could give him, would amount to anything compared to the extreamly OP items he already has so even if i was, it would hardly matter seeing has he already has aton of them. So you two can get off your little high horse, secound of all
DONT I MEAN DONT continue to antaginize kott when she gets on. She got a secound warning from kooglio. she hasent done anything since. the only thing wrong is the surge of people wanting her banned from the server and making posts like this and bringing up little issues and blowing them out of proportion. You guys are harassing do you realize that? she got onto day dident say anything any thing and was continually berated by you guys. i told her to mute brandon!! and they still said it was abuse, she even gave them a a warning. So lets make it clear STOP intentionally screwing with her, do i agree that what she did in the past is a good thing? no i dont check my relipes on the other posts i clearly do not support. But do i continue to cuase drama and pick on her? No i dont and i strongly suggest you guys do the same.
Also about OP items with brandon. I have only stacked is items and duplicated pervious ones you two guys gave him, other than that i havent given him anything, and the only reason i do is becuase i figured he was allowed them since he already has so many, but now that i know more clearly i wont be stacking anymore of the OP items YOU TWO gave him. So good day happy crafting 😀