How do u check cookies on Internet Exproler
Preheat the oven to 500 degrees.
how the shit does the title relate to this. and your first problem is that you're using internet explorer .
I cant really build anything.
I use it cus it runs faster
I have already helped you with this issue in-game so if anyone has this issue here is what I had him do:
(Please keep in mind this method is specifically for Internet Explorer 9 & 10)
Credit to this site for the pictures:
When we were talking earlier you were also curious about managing, enabling/disabling cookies so you can view this site for more information:
We're going to be great frinds lily... i can see it now
I cant really build anything.
We're going to be great frinds lily... i can see it now
I want to be more than friends, Pepsi!
I want to be forum friends!
omg... I was thinking, you were gonna suck his pepsi can! i got so excited... omg. You go, PEPSI!
If you want to have control over your browser InternetExplorer really isn't the best.
Check firefox addons:
The best ones are
- "BetterPrivacy" -removes flash cookies.
- "Cookie Whitelist, With Buttons" - lets you allow or deny cookies per site, or allow temporary cookies that are wiped on exit.
- "Cookies Manager+" - if you like to see what cookies are storing, useful for web development as you can manipulate the cookie data, can have multiple profiles on the same site and switch instantly just by switching cookies..
Internet Explorer runs faster because a lot of its core files are already loaded up by Windows on startup so it doesn't have a lot to load up much when you run it. So yeh it loads up faster, though really when you start to use a lot of tabs it chews up memory and really its not at all faster that Firefox or Chrome in actual tabpage display. I use Firefox because its a beast especially when it comes to control, customization and extensions, just a basic installation without any addons, will not have as fast a startup as InternetExplorer though we are talking about seconds here. Anyway you get around slow startsup by running it off a ramdisk, then its instant.
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