>.< another comment deleted.
I cannot imagine why Creeper... maybe stop saying such stuff like that, if you got nothing good to say. kcherry got himself in trouble, and you just come along to say stuff to antagonize... don't bother doing it again.
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Now as I realize, maybe you should find a different server to bullshit on. Don't waste our time.
lols Woombo 😛 hehe u be like I like you and then you're like Oh nvm You could find another server to bullshit on... WOW that comment
Kcherry everyone is trying to help you, yet you constantly ruin it for yourself. Idk if your lying or not but just saying I donated and having no proof won't work. Maybe if you make a proper app and instead of posting you fakking hate me isn't gonna solve anything.
Happilly almost all comments are big jokes. Guys, sometimes it is better to say nothing...
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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Next time i wanna say something mean. im just gonna comment "nothing..."
If i have something REALLY mean to say, i'll most likely will say it in different languages.
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
Hmm..Lets see...I have tried to help kcherry several times but always he either swears me or denies my help,and now he's lying for a donation?
kcherry every time that we try to help you, you end up swearing us, like you did to me. When you come back, you better show some respect cause you have already caused enough trouble to this server...And no, I dont "hate" you,I'm just trying to help you become a better person..and maybe if you stopped annoying every person you meet, you might have gotten more friends...