you kinda lied about donating like 3 times
Hi Cherry,
Sorry to hear you got banned, maybe we'll get the chance to play again in the future...
You pretty much have 3 options:
1. Maybe you did end up donating but it hasn't gone through which would be very odd.
2. You can tell the truth about lying (if you actually did lie) - Koolio might be mad at you right now but he will forgive you.
3. If you did donate just show him some proof; paypal confirmation in your e-mail or in the history.
Posting stupid pictures about "do you hate me" is not going to get you unbanned, try making a proper ban appeal.
I cant really build anything.
omg my dreams have come true!
Creeper shut up u think ur big shit but ur not I hope u get and banned and die like u told me to so u can stfu
That is not neccessary, dont do it again
I cant really build anything.
I love you too kcherry <3
creeper, she hates you, so sarcasm won't make things better
This was BANDIT1569, stay cool and peace out
And no one likes me
Creeper shut up u think ur big shit but ur not I hope u get and banned and die like u told me to so u can stfu
"big shit" im not big shit. im diarrhea, im not on server that often.
"ur not I hope u get and banned" wtf... i dont... understand ?
"die like u told me to so u can stfu" No comment. 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛
Creeper shut up u think ur big shit but ur not I hope u get and banned and die like u told me to so u can stfu
"big shit" im not big shit. im diarrhea, im not on server that often.
"ur not I hope u get and banned" wtf... i dont... understand ?
"die like u told me to so u can stfu" No comment. 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛
For those 2 reason alone I'm not going to unban you.
1. Got nothing to do with hate... my hate quota is occupied by more important problems, than you kcherry messing around but does not mean I will just let you carry on, which is why you have been banend until you realize what you are doing will not be allowed any longer.
2. Saying you did nothinggggggg, when you admit to lying about donating, then saying you donated again. Anyone who has a problem with donating, the issue is 100% of the time on the buyers end, either not following proper links, not entering correct info, not setting up paypal properly, browser not working properly.. etc just about every issue with a payment not going through will be either because of something on yourside, or with paypal directly.
And if I tell you I don't see your donation, its because I REALLY DO NOT SEE IT! I don't lie about it, and its why I take this serious because you are disgracing my own server when it you that is a) lying or b) not dealing with the issue properly as if you really had donated by private chatting with me and/or contacting paypal to sort the issue out.
FYi ...I already happened to know (from you directly) that you parents will not allow you to donate, so why are you saying you have donated on my server in my public chat.. grow up!
Don't even waste my time with another pathetic ban appeal like this again, as you have brought this on yourself.
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Kcherry, It very unfortunate that this has come to this conclusion. I wish you would have told us the truth for your fist actions. We had chat proof you lied and besides that you lieing again after you lied only makes it worse for you. I like you, and hope to see you on the server once you've realized that lying and wasting the server admins time with f attempts to get a colored name, witch isn't even that big of a deal , has costed you your account being banned. Also as pepsi has said, this defiantly isn't a proper ban appeal. Please Kcherry, don't take us for abunch of idiots. Please conceder this ban a break so you can ponder why you were banned and maybe ways in the future you can avoid another conflict like this..maybe start with telling the truth.
Now as I realize, maybe you should find a different server to bullshit on. Don't waste our time.
Koolio im srry for lieing
I'll unban you tomorrow, you can take a time out for this.
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Ok thank u