What server are you connecting to and what error(s) are you receiving?
It says pinging then it says cant connect
I see, and is this with all servers or just the one you're connecting to?
Just kz
Try double clicking it
it worked one time for me just one time
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Try double clicking it
it worked one time for me just one time
Thanks! 😀
It don't work :c
Whts the server ip?????????????
Same problem.... It says conecting ... then it says was forcibly closed by the remote host ... wtf
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
some can connect wile others cant
Mess with the best, die with the rest
The ip for kraftwars is the same
and btw how did you take screenshots wile trying to connect?
lily HELP US D:
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Well... I used bandicam 😀
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
Well isn't it good ol' netty error...Gosh I hate Mojang..
This should probably be fixed with a server restart, ask Koolio.
the lobby server proxy had crashed, it has been restarted
also orestis where you been
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1