Well it’s time I revisit it this memory. I was hoping there would still be people playing but I found that even the server was gone this time. It saddens me this was the one place I loved. But seeing all the familiar faces on the forum brings me back. 2014 and even 2013 on the first day I joined. The day I was a brat. I believed those damn videos about op. I so idiotically refused many offers I should have turned up. Caused drama I shouldn’t have. I wasn't mature back then but now I am.
Yet even with such things I may have done I still had friends on there. I still got treated fair and that was really what helped me out. I feel almost as if kraftzone was a gift to me from god to really learn something. Because I did learn stuff. I learned so much it taught me a ton of lessons. It gave me a real place to have friends.
So I am here. Mineocreeper mineodiamond And zer0_n4ke. Forever.
Even if kraftzone doesnt live on in reality. It lives on in our hearts. The friends we made the things we did. Koolio thank you for providing this experience to me. I can’t wait for what comes in the future!
Hey dude
I was hoping there would still be people playing but I found that even the server was gone this time. It saddens me this was the one place I loved.
I mean not many play mc anymore, but seeing as you had interest in it I've started it up so you can go visit old maps etc, think it was working mc 1.11 from where I stopped updating it ( http://map.kraftzone.net:8222/) . So yeah server can be started up anytime if there is interest from anyone who wants to revisit for nostalgia.. It just sometimes goes offline because I never set up it like a 24/7 server with auto restarts etc mainly just because I just don't maintain it.
But seeing all the familiar faces on the forum brings me back. 2014 and even 2013 on the first day I joined. The day I was a brat. I believed those damn videos about op. I so idiotically refused many offers I should have turned up. Caused drama I shouldn’t have. I wasn't mature back then but now I am.
Yet even with such things I may have done I still had friends on there. I still got treated fair and that was really what helped me out. I feel almost as if kraftzone was a gift to me from god to really learn something. Because I did learn stuff. I learned so much it taught me a ton of lessons. It gave me a real place to have friends.
So I am here. Mineocreeper mineodiamond And zer0_n4ke. Forever.
Glad you found the server, it's surprising when I think of the 1000's of other mc servers that are and were around to know that kraftzone was still a place for people who liked something about it.... So it's always nice to hear these stories of how others felt about the time they used to play on it, things they did, what they got from it. I know I've written about similar feelings of running the server and anyone who kept up with events on the server/forum it has quite the history. We spent time in our lives on it and yet behind the virtual world we all have our own lives.
I personally learnt a lot from it and consider it a success in how long the mc server went on for and the number of people who were a part of building things and making it a good experience for everyone.. And to some extent even the chaos of griefing, arguments etc.. it was all part of it what made it interesting and the interactions everyone had in the this virtual community.
So really I'm thankful to anyone who got something out of it, because Kraftzone roots are tied into a time and place in my own life which is why its special to me. What I do next with it I still have no idea, I just know that its something I started and I'm not done with it yet. It's just dormant right now until such a time when I hope it will come to play a bigger part in more people's lives, probably through some other game, network or experience...I still don't know yet, it's tied into my own lifes journey, time, resources and figuring things out.
Even if kraftzone doesnt live on in reality. It lives on in our hearts. The friends we made the things we did. Koolio thank you for providing this experience to me. I can’t wait for what comes in the future!
I have no idea of the future, I wonder myself, but it's always good to hear others talk about Kraftzone and desire for it be something again. All I can say is that it's certainly in my mind and heart to want to do something more with it again
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Aye, many servers come and go. I've accepted that a long time ago. It's not to run into a stable server that's been around for a long time though for sure.
8) Much love to all zone, and to you Koolio! hehe I was working on redstone(my adder in part for a beacon display machine), and even some art I have gotten into being an artist some lately as some of my projects naturally transpire into things that can be expressing into details, based on art. What art really is. (IMO) tells a story, sometimes advanced. Sometimes just cloning something, one of my ideas for something haha. Not as my own, just a concept.
I want minecraft zone to return some, as i might have some plans that could revive it some. Like actually finding some people who can help, or play there. I have wanted minecraft zone back for quite sometime, just turning it back into a functioning server that is better then its condition right now for me; not easy. Alot to it, for now I just take it easy, possibly look toward figuring out what minecraft zone could be if it ran again. Ideas come to mind, but needs to be well regarded.
it's surprising when I think of the 1000's of other mc servers that are and were around to know that kraftzone was still a place for people who liked something about it
Zone was always like home to me, had basics like towny, and survival type features. Which you also had world edit/voxelsnipe type features which really sets it apart from a lot of basic servers. Features like so are what really make servers advanced, which if zone had more man-power, would be be defiantly something great. Players here always made me laugh, happy. Sometimes were buttheads though hehe.
Overall, its a big thing. But I have not been sure how I could help out fully to get zone more life it needs. As you need to worry about your life Koolio, not zone so much. Though I know if zone still grew, and some new players, the experiences to be cherished would be memorable. Who knows 5 years into the future(from 2014 to now), how some minecrafters are today, same as yesterday? Likely so, maybe some difference!!
Though here is a 4D tesseract I assembled, I have to format it different so it does not look so rectangular but its awesome! To me any way. Few other proportions I could work on, but overall I think its like a special kind of geometry I enjoy - Also noted; WIP(Work in progress)
Sorry forgot to reply to this sheep, I feel so lazy having left this for over a month... but always appreciate the feedback
"just turning it back into a functioning server that is better then its condition right now for me; not easy. Alot to it, for now I just take it easy, possibly look toward figuring out what minecraft zone could be if it ran again. Ideas come to mind, but needs to be well regarded"
I mean if minecraft is getting some better updates these days/months then maybe it might be worth looking at redoing the server with fresh new plugins etc and new world to mess around in.. I could be see myself setting it up with some mc control panel and giving access to you and few others who have been trusted in staff position before, maybe you and others could setup new plugins and run it a bit more like admin I guess, seeing as I'd be much less hands on with it now.
I didn't know what that picture was until I just looked up 4d tesseract..
much easier to understand it once animated
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
I think that would be fun koolio. Seeing as I've got a decent pc for gaming. And I'm almost done moving out of my dad's house. I'd have all the time in the world
I cant really build anything.
Sorry.. Been grazing a bit. Getting trippy 8) but anyway:
I want to get zone back up and running, but thing is:
I want to start working on a survival prospect; that being custom weapons and tools. It is running commands for things like command blocks, but without so. Not sure how things will work with the server, but there are plenty of ideas can be worked on into concepts.
Example being an automatic crossbow, might not seem too cool but with the right customs and concepts surrounding it can become its own unique super weapon! I got Ideas for the crossbow to make an actual weapon concept to where range is actually rivalling to using swords; just shy of a overpowered bow. Melee weapon pretty much takes the bread home in minecraft, but with my idea of an auto crossbow(with a trick) and semi auto crossbow; can make pretty much guns in minecraft that can have adjustable features. No need for crackshot for example, as I could make custom ammo for crossbows and work a semi auto that can pack a punch!!! Pretty cool for me; but its experimental and a work; only amusing to me. But if people could using crossbow to damage one another, it could be awesome! Note: Crossbow regular is Very weak. So I am talking about some buffs that can make it work better. Which would be inspiration for survival tactic based server. Even in minigames. But again have to see the outcomes.
I really would like to get the main zone going again, which would be building and just hangout nostalgia. Just as starting a new survival concept would be a work in its own, as opposed to things like Economy playing a role. But its a work in progress.
Just would mainly for now like to get basics on the server like world guard and world edit. Minigames and other plugins for fun/other purpose have to look into more, not sure what is all good and can work into game play. As I just don't want to deal with broken minigames or anything. With zone starting new it should be really basic and upcoming, why also I would not mind keeping its mainframe with survival features starting. Zones mainframe is the building side, which would be more accessing things like old places,without access. Also for building creative builds, while survival is dedicated to the role of the gameplay; was a big problem for zone at its last days it seemed.
As I am just writing for now; I would just like zone updated to most recent version with most needed things(I Need to look), and start working on a project from there, generate a new world for players to enjoy with mixed creative/survival gamemodes to allow creative flexability, while also in works of a exclusive based survival world, which has to be stuff to work on, but can involved survival based minigames/PVP into this world. Not right away but in progress of. Not sure on your take on such Koolio, so I just wonder about so. Experimental but at least getting zone going with some basic parts would help while working on new ideas.
I'd even be interested to host it again
I am the legendary Salil9992. Bow before me!
Not sure if anyone remembers me from the old times, but i recently took an interest in minecraft again and wanted a server to play on, this was the first place to go, sad to see its all over more or less. But if anyone is going to take charge and rebuild kraftzone in any way, id love to help in any capacity that i can.
I think you guys are all coming back at the right time!.. nice to see you again Salil and Thomas! Hopefully some more old members will also log in again
So I've put in an order for a dedicated server (it will be in Germany with Hetzner, they don't seem to be doing anything until Monday, will see how it goes for the first month, price and performance was good, if it doesn't work ping wise with everyone will find another one in maybe France or USA NY side)
I have a holiday break from work coming up after next week where I'll have some free time to set up a new minecraft server! ok its the same one.. but a refresh new maps, new plugins (if anyone wants to start finding some plugins they think will be good for the server post them here, I think I'll continue to use https://www.spigotmc.org/ for the server, but noticed a lot of the plugins have changed)... not even sure we will stick with Towny, not sure if its still updated or something better has replaced it... things to research I guess...open to suggestions on a new direction with core server plugins.
Will probably try to keep the good plugins and the old worlds for visiting but not building in..
Anyway this wasn't some spontaneous decision to start the server again, an old member of kz has been in contact behind the scenes and wanted to front some donation money towards the server hosting and getting an updated Kraftzone server alive again. And I've noticed the new interest people have been having in minecraft again, so I figured it's a worth a try, hopefully will get things running smoothly, I don't see myself being as an active admin as I used to be on the server which could be good it will mean more old and new members will be able to take more responsibility over the server.
I still have a new website for Kraftzone started but for the start this site/forum will remain. Also given the state of minecraft servers I will also try some advertising for when the server is setup, have to try make the server known to new players.
If anything I just look forward to making a start on Titan castle v3, with a new player spawn world ofc
Soon as the new server is setup (might even have it setup at some basic level before next week, I'll make a news announcement for the pre-launch building of areas, and sorting out staff/support ranks again.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Well I am excited/very willing. Just shoot me a message on steam whenever you're ready to start building or need some help.
I cant really build anything.
Sounds great, very much looking forward to checking stuff out, will keep myself updated here and hopefully jump on as soon as its available. If any help from my side is needed feel free to say so, im mostly available in the mornings Central European Time.
Hope to see a lot of the old guys around again, and very much looking forward to making duck town 2.0
EDIT: Maybe it would be easier to set up a discord server? atleast a tempoary one so all of the old guys from the forum here have an better place to find news and the status of the new server... Id happily set it up if Koolio is unfamiliar with it
Oh KZ has a discord server, just never promoted it much after closing the server as it's pretty much not been active for a while.. still its mostly setup, public invite link https://discord.gg/WrdpnWr
Will promote and probably be adding some discord site integration later with it so its the main one new players can join.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
So I have the new server, it's being setup right now..
As I'm looking at updating the server to the latest... I have been noticing lot of old plugins I was using on 1.11 aren't updated, so I'm thinking of leaving the current 'nostalgia' server up... but the new server will be completely fresh on everything and it won't contain any of the old maps, pretty much everything will be done from scratch, old ranks and permissions for plugins will be etc ..not even sure the new server will be using towny.... so that might be a big change, not sure I will use factions though... maybe just go without such plugins and have some other sort of area or block protection instead
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1