Hello, today I just experienced the worst time on Kraftzone witch is really sad :/ because I just experienced the most disrespect toward me and other players. I was told I don't help anyone, that I only help people in my town, that basically me being helper is just a waste. Witch is extremely upsetting to hear that over teamspeak. And through chat. Im sorry but the way you guys handled The problem with lakala wasn't appropriate, and it defiantly didn't solve anything. After bombarding him with tons of comments about how he is this and that, and even calling him fucking retared isn't at all something we should encourage towards other players, even if they did do something against the rules. Even while he was trying to explain him self you guys shut him down and handled it the worst way possible. :/ Its upsetting and I wish I could say different, But what's even worst is that after its done I helped him and was asked to get on teamspeak because I was treating him nice. excuse me?!?! but im not going to treat someone like shit after the problem was handled. You guys gave him a warning, and after that it should have been fine. The way you guys are to people is not acceptable and how we talk to each other needs to change. I may have my moments of angry, but they are short and rare. After that to, the things that were said about me? and after I left you guys had no idea I was still hearing everything...That's upsetting, I don't help people? really because I disagree with you I It takes away my credibility? really sad guys I try really hard to help others and im new at it. And also By saying everyone on Kraftzone is stupid(witch is something said by staff and others) isn't appropriate and its really sad :/ We want players to have fun and we want them to get as much out of the server has they can, not by acting like they are stupid and don't know anything...come on guys. And I know you guys will probably call me names and say stuff on this but sorry I don't need to hear it :/ I know how you guys feel already.
Thanks for letting us know Woombo23. You are doing a great work as a helper and continue like you always do 😀 But who is this post about? Like who says things like this?
God made every person different....
He got tired by the time he got to China xD
As a witness.. i would agree and what was said to you over teamspeak woombo was total bullshit.. and i can see something being done about it.
i have noticed this 2 tho i dont have that much ability to stop it. Ive tried and only rarely can i stop these horrible comments. I think they need to be dealt wth
hey woombo what i did was unacceptable. i just wanted to point out that we were friends. i had a bad day today and i should i want to say im sorry. not because i have to. because i should of know better than what i said. very umprofessional of me. you are a great helper! i can be a terrible staff sometimes. if theres anything that you want me to do just ask me ok? ill make up for it and i promise is you the nonsense i said to you today will never happen again
your buddy -vinmeistr
-Vinmeistr: mess with the best die like the rest.! jk i cant, im a staff...
If those guys think they are right, they should tell that to me in this topic. I can and will explain to them what is right and what is wrong. They just have to say it...
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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* Pulls out a cup of criticizem * Red... your wrong. <---- all tho that comment is useless and probably not cared about it is still something that should be checked on a daily basis*
### another useless comment from zac .!. ###
"I was told I don't help anyone, that I only help people in my town, that basically me being helper is just a waste. "
If anyone's opinion on this should matter to you, its mine and you know I recognize you helping players on the server, so is really no need to take bad opinions to heart.
Anyway this mainly involved vin and I have talked to him about what transpired here and professionalism in handling such issues in the future.
Sorry it happened, hopefully all those involved will learn from anything that was said or done and not repeat the mistakes made.
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Thanks for the reply everyone, sorry if taking this to the fourm was a bit much on my half but I just felt bad :/ I wont trouble the fourm with this stuff again, but thanks a lot for the feedback