So I was informed by Koolio that TODAY was the Anniversary of KZ. Sooooooo happy anniversary KZ!
Koolio, this is the greatest server EVAR, ive had a blast this year, your a good man, keep up the good work soldier.
I cant really build anything.
Thanks, I should probably update the frontpage with like words n'stuff , but officially the server was never public until like 21st.. actually no (quick check on planetmc reveals) 12/22/11 that be the date Kz was officially public.
(click image for bigger picture)
You can tell, I took that screenshot when the server was public, because there is some noob building bookshelves in a friggin tree.. probably Bob right
And in other thoughts .... AFK actually just means ....Away From Kraftzone
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
Koolio thats so cool (AFK: away from kraftzone), i sure will miss this place when its gone.
The question is... when.
It wont be up forever but what might cause you to stop the server?
I cant really build anything.
if koolio gives up on kz (if at all) - it will go to some sexy kid *cough cough wink wink*
I thought it was the 21st? Oh yeh what koolio Said HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!! I <3 Kraftzone
"because there is some noob building bookshelves in a friggin tree.. probably Bob right"
Is it Central?
No two Rainbows are the same.
Neither are two packs of Skittles.
Enjoy an odd mix.