yes its me ive come back to be back with you on kraft zone after a long week of serching i found you guys once again! i was a big part of craft zone for a long time till my computer broke and all this was happening i found you all and i notice that the server is gone now im sad as this was a great server i hung out with friends talked built stuff like that but ive gained power im a redstoner a builder and my new skill pvp im nolonger the noob you rember i dont ask for op anymore i dont do that crap i play so koolio srmrmansheep any big part of kraft zone if your reading thank you for the biggest 2 years of the time i had on there you were a amazing at making the server great i would still love to play on that server but for now i play on it in memory lane thanks for all of this your the best server to ever exist
- the offical mineocreeper
ps: thanks to all of the players of kraft zone too you gave me amazing times
posts like that always give me reason to keep the site going as it is, a place for old players to return to for the memories and give a shout out, even if nothing new is happening around here right now.
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That was really heart warming to read. I remember kraftzone in memory lane too, kz is always gonna have a place in my heart as one of my greatest childhood adventures. I grew up with kz I mean I'm about to move out from my parents house and go to college. I was in the 7th grade when I found this place. I went through my parents having a divorce on this server. I'm sure koolio remembers me venting to him about that.
Something the post made me think of
I cant really build anything.
ayye man fellow creeper here i feel you i feel you. this place was the shit man... i remember going on the server and you know. build. be me. never letting them haters hate yo. i dont even care if im 42 let me be me and build myself a little house mann. for real though. kraftzone is and 4ever will be amazing to me.
this was the server where i learned how to actually play minecraft half of what i know came from kraft zone i really really with i could rejoin and have fun with all the great people who made the server like srmrmansheep koolio pepsi and alot of other players i still remeber sheep if someone asked for him he was like hmm yes or something like that it always made me laugh and all the people and everything with the fly disc and just everyone kraft zone has a special place in my heart forever and ever
hey guys im never gonna leave this community this place was my growth this is the real deal i cant wait for kraft zone to potentially come back because this server is my heart and im not loosing hope that its gone no way im leaving this