I've been gone so long, and I'm unsure whether I will come back due to a series of events
When Lunar left, a part of me left Kraftzone as well. He was the person who got me coming back on the server, and know he's gone. I built him a house, he never saw it finished, and no one lives in it.
Sanction, my town, the testament to my building skills, so much planning and work put into it, and I'm still not satisfied with it, it discourages me, and it's so cut off from the server...what's the point? I like it, but it's nothing compared to some other towns.
The downtime really wasn't a problem
I wanted to put Kraftzone on the map, but so many dedicated players are gone.
The series of events following sly's...actions. It saddens me what happened, didn't seem worth the joke, not in the slightest.
Other servers, there are none like KraftZone, and there never will, Koolio runs the server well, fairly, but he doesn't seem to forgive easily, the fate of past ~Supports for example
I don't know where to go from here, stay, depart, I dunno. I've been with KraftZone through many tough times, but this period is different. I miss the others, it doesn't feel like the KraftZone I played in, and the current feel of KraftZone doesn't seem right.
Just an update...
Good day ladies and gents.
Oh, there you are! I was wondering where you were hanging around 😛
I understand the arguements you brought up. I accept you decision, whatever it is going to be...
I know what you mean by saying kraftzone doesn't seem right. The things that have happened saddens me too. But I think it is as a relationship. Good times and bad times happen. As we say in the Netherlands: after rain there will be sunshine. After a bad time there will be good times. But still as everything is over, the past is still in our mind. I have experienced the best kraftzone before I came back and got staff. It was never as it used to be. I made the best of this time.
I don't want to convince you of staying, I just feel like typing this 😛 <- true
All I want to tell you is that you should come back some time if you leave, and you are not the only one who feels like you do.
I feel like this isn't the best time in kraftzone history aswell, but I come on at least once in three days. Not only because of the way kraftzone is, but also because I have some stuff to do for school. I never feel like doing some homework, but as I bore myself, I do some against boredom ;D
Now I was typing this because I am kinda bored, back to homework...
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
My very feelings.....
Put into words....
Thank you jp.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
If you are going to be a ghost staff and not help then it would be better to step out the staff position gracefully instead of sitting on the fence talking about others who have moved on.
Because the only thing it does is further distance yourself from Kraftzone and what I feel about having you as staff on the server.
I would only be disappointed if you stayed for the wrong reasons, as I really don't mind losing players who don't care.
And no I don't forgive easily for things that cannot be dismissed, forgotten or easily amended. In your example of past supports there hasn't been any good reason yet for such forgiveness over things.
"The series of events following sly's...actions. It saddens me what happened, didn't seem worth the joke, not in the slightest."
Well sly is getting moved to an appropriate rank that isn't called support.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Basically how.I feel Jp. I.love this server and to see it.going like this just sucks
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
True we have been losing some players this year
Mess with the best, die with the rest
i missing some old friend if i ever had more than 5 😀
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
Well sly is getting moved to an appropriate rank that isn't called support.
Admin would suit me well...
I see what you mean Koolio, I have been thinking of "resigning" as a -Staff, seeing as how it seems I have nothing left to offer KraftZone, what hurts me a bit in your response is mentioning players who don't care for the server, as if you're implying I don't care. KraftZone's been my server for about 2 years, and I do care for it, its just that I no longer see that I can help the server if the server no longer feels right to me. I'm really trying to not set you off because the last thing I want is to leave on a bad note with you.
I'm not opinionated, but I do care about KraftZone as a server, as a community, I see it as a different story, nonetheless, I no longer see myself as being able to fully help out anymore, so I guess this is it. I still think you run the server well in game and out of game Koolio, and I won't find another admin quite like you.
Goodbye ladies and gents. Before I go...
*Tosses -Staff position into the air*
jp123loz you have been a friendly player and a good staff member at Kraftzone, thank you for that. I will miss you however you have made the right choice with the way you feel about things.
"Before I go..."
yeh no need for that, and no one should be fighting to the death either.
Anyone reading this who has been with Kraftzone since last year, just polish your staff application or make a new one in the applications board. I recommend reading http://kraftzone.tk/forum/index.php?topic=1177.0
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
been here 14 months,
If you remember, the first time I got staff, I never made an app
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
You said you made your app in the shout box.
Well goodbye jp. You were a great staff member of kz. You shall be missed.
First of all, I have seen my house, which looks very lovely btw jp.
That house shall be my tombstone, and I will occasionally rise from the dead to visit you guys.
...What did sly do with his support rank? 😛
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
"...What did sly do with his support rank? :P"
He didn't do nothing.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
What did sly do with his support rank?
Nothing bad, it's just not good to have Staff's on the spotlight, similar to how Staff don't show up on top voter or kill counter.