Instead of everybody asking for staff why not just make a completely new rank for original players.
Ex.jesison2, me, hadi, bluedudex2, ect.
We could have kool plugins/commands to use.
Or the rank could set all the players name to one color so it doesnt get to confusing like blue or somthing. I dont know what the rank could include. I am merely giving the idea of a new rank. Maybe koolio can think of somthing or everyone else maybe you all can think of somthing. Post your suggestions or if you think this is a good idea or not.
I cant really build anything.
Doing separate ranks for those who are old kraftzone members .... is that really necessary.
All members new and old are treated the same and have the same chances at what ranks are available (if you want to make suggestions for new ranks and perks etc then go ahead in another thread that is more specific on your amazing ideas). You also make it sound like there is loads of kool plugins and commands that you think are around that I could just give out. I won't be doing it, would just be more work for me and only benefit a few who are older players now, nice try, try again 😀
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Lol koolio ok. 8)
I cant really build anything.