hey guys Johnny here and like today ppl r asking me to pay then like a 50k and more. Just to say guys i dont think support or staff or even i give out money to ppl. If im wrong about support and staff dont give money to players well my bad. but in my opinion helper and upper wouldnt even think about giving money to otthers. So dont ask guys about paying u guys money plz
yes that is correct, now I'm more interested in who was asking and why?
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blubber asked me to pay him 100k at first then he lowered the price to 75k and then finally 50k i said no. He told me if was for enchanting stuff
alright thanks for telling us johnny when im on just make sure to tell me when someone is asking you to give them money... ill make sure its clear thats its not allowed on kraftzone,because ive been having the same problem with people asking me to give them money and asking for items. just registered - member + are allowed to give out money. not donators because they have /kit money. just so you know 😛
-Vinmeistr: mess with the best die like the rest.! jk i cant, im a staff...
People ask me to lend them money and every time I have the same answer....No
I found it.....I found my lost duck!!!
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