Well since several people donated $60 to the server (20-60 $) might as well give some permission suggestions.
- T1+ | Having access to "feed"
- T3+ | Having access to "Heal" (1 minute cooldown, because it could be spammed in pvp)
- T3+ | Having access to "spawner" (New world)
Mobs allowed for "spawner"
Passive mob spawners
-Squid -Ocelot
-Mushroom cow
Unstable mobs
-Cave spider
-Witch (?)
Nether mob spawners
-Ghast (Not sure of this, maybe in an enclosed space)
-Magma cube
Not allowed spawners
-Iron golem
-T1+ | Having access to"flight" (unlimited)
-T3+ | Having access to /thru
-T2+ | Having access to "kit money" (50k)
Also [R] having access to "warp|warps"
Those are my ideas.
Feel free to post other commands that should be added or feedback down below!
you forgot the ocelot
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
Well for /feed and /Heal We don't have access to that so I think Donator's shouldn't get that command
Well staff don't need it they have creative and like no one attacks them 😛